Chapter 11

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Miranda's POV

Ethan got Paige to the hospital, me and Grayson went to his place just to chill and wait for them to get back. He took me up to the roof and we just sat there looking at the sunset. I like to think a lot that's just because I have a lot to think about. Right now I was thinking about how I lied to Paige straight to her face. It wasn't a complete lie though the part where they said I was on their 'territory' and them all running after me was true but the rest wasn't.

"I'll be back," I say standing up.

"Where you going?" Grayson asks standing up too

"I need to get something out of my bag" I had left my bag in his room when we came up to the roof.

"Oh I'll get it for you" he starts walking off to the window, shit I can't open my bag in front of him what if he sees the paint? "Here ya go" Gray smiles handing me the bag.

"Thanks." I smile taking the bag from him. We sat back down on the roof, and I opened my bag trying to find my glasses and phone. "uh can you hold this?" I ask passing him my phone he nods and takes it. As I was looking for my glasses I heard men say
"I can't believe that little bitch got away, she better not come back"

"Oh shit!" I mutter "let's go back inside." I say getting up grabbing my bag and slowly walking to the window. Grayson gave me a weird look and I gestured to the men walking. He understood and got up and walked inside. I throw the bag on his bed and all the contents spill out. Grayson gave me a 'wtf' look, I sigh knowing I would have to explain to him and basically tell the truth and I hating doing that.

"What the hell Miranda! Why do you have all this, huh? Why do you always lie or tell half the truth? Why?" I hate when people yell at me it just makes me mad. I cross my arms and look at him with a look to kill.

"Reasons." I say bluntly, I felt his eyes burn through me.

"No Miranda that's not an answer, now tell me why do you have to lie all the time?" He says calmer now. I sigh and open my mouth to say something than close it again when I heard the door open and close down stairs. I quickly start to pick up all the cans and shoving them in my bag Grayson just looking at me. The door to his room opened and Ethan walked through with Paige. I looked down at the ground and saw that there was one can I hadn't picked up, I look over at Grayson knowing he saw it too. He walks over to his dresser where it was and kicked it over to where we couldn't see it anymore.

"So uh I have to go but I'll text you later maybe I don't know though." I say with a fake half smile. They nod and I walk out of his room with my bag on one shoulder.

Grayson's POV

Badass, I like it! Yeah I was mad that she didn't tell the truth but someway or another I'm going to get her to tell me why she had to lie. If you look closely in her eyes you can see pain but you see beauty and rebelliousness. "I'm going to go, my moms probably wondering where I am right now" Paige says letting go of Ethan's hand and walking out of the room. They'd be a cute couple but I don't know something kind of seems off about her maybe I'm wrong she just seems way to mysterious, don't get me wrong I love mysterious but she's just too mysterious, guess we just have to wait to find out.


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