Chapter 19

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Grayson's POV

It's finally Friday and I was excited because I was going on a date with Miranda tonight. I wasn't feeling jeans today so I threw on some navy sweat pants, a white shirt and some vans.

I went down stairs and was greeted by my mom.

"Morning Grayson." She says while cooking pancakes.

"Morning mom." I reply with happiness in my voice.

"You're happy this morning!"

"Yeah I've got a date tonight!" I was super excited, I like Miranda a lot. She handed me a plate of pancakes, I dug in.

"Oh Grayson that's great news but remember we have aunt Nicole's 40th tonight I'm afraid you're gonna have to cancel on her." My mom says with disappointment in her voice.

"Oh can't I bring her with me?" I ask with some hope. She nods with a smile, "thanks mom! I love you." I say taking the last bite of my food.

The walk to the bus stop felt like forever. I saw the bus coming as I stood listening my music. I hop on the bus and take an empty seat.

*at school*

I stood at Miranda's locker waiting for her, I see her coming she was wearing the same thing as I was. I laughed a little because her cheeks went red.

"Hey looks like we're twining today!" I say laughing she laughs too. Her laugh was the cutest thing.

"Yep I'm excited for our date tonight!" Snap hope she's not mad that it's not going exactly as planned.

"Yeah about that well I forgot that it's my aunts 40th tonight but if you wanna come with its okay with my mom." I say a mile a minute.

"Oh okay that's cool what should I wear?" She asks a little less happy.

"I'm not sure maybe a dress?" I say looking her up and down.

"Um in your dreams"

Miranda's POV

I decided to skip last block and just go home. Last block was gym even tho I couldn't do gym I still didn't want to show.

I was looking through my closet looking for something to wear. I had to make a good first impression I was meeting his family!

After three hours of going through my closet I found something to wear, I went with a dark grey spin dress, an oversized flannel, and white beat up converse. I know I said I wasn't going to wear a dress but there was nothing else to wear. I put on a little foundation and concealer so I didn't look dead, I did my eyeliner and mascara.

I decided not to wear my bracelets and left it like that another reason why I wear bracelets all the time is because I have a big rose tattoo on my arm.

I got a text from Grayson saying they were their way to pick me up. I quickly replied with 'k' killing the conversation.

I went down the stairs and into the kitchen to see me my mom with a random man. It was a normal thing for me to see. "I'm going out tonight." I say in a blunt voice giving them a glare. Me and my mom weren't close she never really cared what I did.

"Okay you coming back tonight?" She asks.

"I don't know." I say emotionless.

"It's yes or no! Give me a straight answer!" My mother yelled at me a lot and frankly I didn't give two shits.

"Fine then no! I wouldn't come back at all if I had a choice I wouldn't step a foot back in this house!" I shout at her.

"Don't talk to your mother like that!" The man shouts he was kind of intimidating but if he'd lay a hand on me he wouldn't ever forget.

"Oh go fuck your self you bitch." I say walking away.

"Yeah you better walk away you whore!" I turn back around walk up to him and spit in his face. I walked out the door and saw a car pull up and Grayson about to get out with a huge smile on his face. I smile back, tomorrow is gonna be just peachy if I go back home.


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