Chapter 24

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Miranda's  POV

I was still processing that Jack Dail was my brother. I used to dream about being Jack's girlfriend but now thinking about it makes me want to throw up in my mouth.

"Hey wanna go get your stuff?" Jack asks me, I nod.

"I have to get back home but I'll see you tomorrow right?" I peck Grayson on the lips.

"Yeah tell Ethan I said hey." I smile giving him a hug.


"Okay." I had to it was there. Grayson laughed and walked home.

"Oh so you two are a thing?" Jack asks wiggling his eyebrows.

I laugh a little, "ya so we gonna get my stuff or not?" I ask changing the subject.

"Oh so you're the subject changer?" He laughed.

We got up and left his place talking while we walked to my place.

*Miranda place*

"Woah..." Jack said as he walked into my house. "How do you deal with this?" He asked looking at me.

"I don't that's why I'm never here." I reply as we walked up the stairs. My mom was either gone trying to get fucked or passed out drunk.

"Oh so your mom is like a drug addict?" He asks pointing to the cocaine.

"Yea." I say throwing all my clothes on to the floor. I heard the door slam downstairs, I shut my door and started playing some music. Jack looks at me and laughs.

Shutting my door did nothing because Mackenzie opened it and looked at Jack with those 'I want to fuck you eyes' "Oh hi I'm Mackenzie but you can call me captain" she saying winking and biting her lip.

"Uhm nope not into incest..." Jack says with a look of disgust.


I get up and slam the door in her face this time I locked it. "I'm sorry she's the school's biggest slut..." he laughs a little.

"So that thing is my sister?" He asks I nod, "oh god..." I start laughing hysterically.

It took us a few hours to get everything packed up, Jack called our dad to pick us up because we couldn't carry my clothing and a couple of other things. My mom probably wasn't even gonna give two shits I'm leaving she'll probably be jumping with joy!

"You alright?" Dad asks i sigh scratching the back of my head.

"Yeah just thinking about things." I go on Twitter and tweet a pic of Jack making the weirdest face you'd ever see I captioned it 'my beauty queen @jackdail' he looks over at me and laughs, it's nice to have a brother that'll care about me.


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