Chapter 21

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Grayson's POV

Miranda looked stunning, when she walked out of her house my jaw almost dropped.

Ethan didn't come because he was sick as a dog, he probably called Paige for company.

We all walked into my aunt Nicole's place, me and Miranda hand in hand. We made our way to the backyard where almost everyone was. I felt her hold my hand tighter, I look down at her and smile a little. If I wanted to I could rest my head on her head because I'm 5'11 and she's 5'9 which was cool, tall girls are the shit!

"Grayson it's so good to see you!" My aunt Nicole says with glee hugging me, I let go of Miranda's hand and hug her back.

"It's good to see you too aunt Nicole." I say smiling, she looks over at Miranda then back at me and raises an eyebrow.

"Oh this is my girlfriend Miranda." The word girlfriend slipped my mouth before I had time to think.

Miranda's POV

He just called me his girlfriend, oh my gosh I'm going to die of awkwardness and I think he noticed.

"Well it's super nice to meet you." Gray's aunt says looking at me with a genuine smile.

"Yeah it's nice to meet you too..." I say with the fakest smile ever. She said bye and walked away I had never been so relieved in my life to have someone walk away.

The night went on me and Grayson had sat on our phones going through social media and talking about how anti-social we were.

"Wanna leave?" Grayson asks me, I nod and we get up waking out of the house. It was only 10 PM but we decided to leave and have our own little 'fun'.

*at Grayson's house*

"Hey um I'm sorry about that whole girlfriend thing back there. The word just kind of slipped. But on the positive side I think they like you!" I half smiled.

"That's ok Gray. Accidents happen. But do you actually think they like me?" She asked nervously.

"Yea of course!" I chirped.

"So what do you wanna do?"

"Umm I dunno. What time were you planning on going home?"

"I wasn't, if it's ok with you can I stay here tonight?"

"Yea of course what happened?" I asked worried.

"Oh um got into another fight with my mom. Told her I wasn't coming home tonight..." She frowned.

"Of course I don't mind you staying here." I hugged her tightly.

"Thanks Grayson it means a lot." She smiled.

"So you can have my bed and I will sleep downstairs. Sound good?"

"Yea sounds good." She smiles.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I ask.

"I was thinking on just going to bed, I mean it's almost one in the morning."

"That's cool. See you in the morning." I say grabbing a pair of sweats from my drawer and heading downstairs.

Miranda's POV

I woke up to the sound of the the door creaking open. "Sorry didn't mean to wake you just came to grab a sweater it's chilly down there." Grayson smiles.

"That's ok." I smile as he went to walk out of the door, "come lay with me?" I ask.

"Umm yea sure." He smiles.

He lay down beside me and we fell asleep very soon after.


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