Chapter 7

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Grayson's POV

'Wow' was my only thought, that Paige girl was very open with her feelings, maybe she just needed to vent?

I began to walk towards Miranda's house, because I said I would stop by. Ethan wanted to come with me but he's busy with Paige, so I just left them.

I rang the door bell, no answer. I decided to try the door. it was unlocked. I made my way into her house there was music blasting, I smiled to myself.

I walk up the stairs and stand against her doorframe, to her bedroom, as she was jumping around singing and dancing. She was just so adorable.

"Oh my god!" She says laughing, "I didn't even know you were here!"

I scratch the back of my neck and awkwardly walk into her room, "yeah aha so um what's up?" I say, oh my gosh I'm so awkward!

"Nothing really just thinking." She replies with a faint smile.

Her eyes were glazed over, it hurts me to see her like this I know I only met her a few days ago but I don't know, she's just ugh I can't even explain.

We sat on her bed just talking about things that never really made any sense. "Come on let's go!" Miranda says as she gets up off her bed sliding on some black boots.

"What? Where are we going?" I ask confused. She grabs my hand and attempts to pull me off her bed but fails, falling on the floor. We laughed so hard, we tried to pull our selves together to leave but it just made us laugh harder. I don't even know why we're laughing it wasn't even that funny.

She took my hand and we walked out of her house not even bothering to lock the door. "Where are we going?" I asked her.

"Somewhere..." we walked hand in hand into the woods, she took me to where there was a stream.

"What is this place?" I whisper.

"I come here to get my mind off of things and to just think, really." Miranda looked at her feet, "but uh yeah." She whispers as she tugs on her sweater sleeves.

I was going to do it! I took her hand and lifted her chin and just went for it. I kissed her, "Gray..." she pulled her hand away "I-I have to go." She stuttered and runs off. I didn't stop her I just let her go, I blew it and I don't know how I'm going to fix it.


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