Chapter 25

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Paige's POV

I wonder how Miranda is doing. I know I fucked up and I should have helped her with that whole Nash thing, but I panicked!

"Everything ok?" Ethan asked as we walked down the street.

"'s just that-" I frowned.

"Is this whole Miranda and Nash this bothering you?"

"Yea. I fucked up. I'm such a terrible friend."

"No you're not. People make mistakes no one is perfect." Ethan stopped in his tracks facing me.

"I need to fix it." I said, "can we go sit in the park while I try to get a hold of her?" I asked.

"Yeah totally, anything for you." Ethan smiled and we walked to a bench in the park.

I pulled out my phone and dialled Miranda's number.

(Me=Paige M=Miranda)

M: hey! You won't believe what I found out today!

Me: umm what?

M: you know Jack Dail, right?

Me: yea that guy from vine. He's kinda cute

M: yea. Well he's my brother!

Me: you found your dad?

M: yea! Jack is Grayson's best friend and my dad is also Jack's dad.

Me: oh my god Miranda! That's amazing! But the main reason I called was to apologize for the whole Nash situation the other day.

M: oh it's cool.

Me: no it's not! I should have stopped him! But it just seemed like you were enjoying it and I-

M: Paige it's fine! I still love you! Even though I was mad but I kind of just forgot about it.

Me: oh thanks Miranda.

M: well I gotta go unpack my stuff at my dad's house I will text you later or something. Bye.

Me: bye.

I hung up the phone and looked at Ethan and smiled. "Are you guys cool?" He smiled.

"Yupp." I said.

"That's awesome!" He said crashing his lips to mine. Damn two kisses in one day and we're not even dating. "Um Paige, can we talk?"

"Yea, everything ok?" I asked worried.

"Of course! Everything is amazing!"

"Ok than what is it?" I bit my lip.

"Would you like to be, you know, my um-"

I cut him off, "of course I would like to be your girlfriend." I said crashing my lips to his once again.

"Thank god." He laughed, "you don't know how long I've been wanting to ask you."

"And you don't know how long I've been waiting to hear that." I smiled.

"So wanna go back to my house and play Last Of Us?" He asked.

"Yea sure. But we're cuddling again." I smirked. I hated that game so much because of all the things that came running after you.

*at Ethan's house*

We played Last Of Us for about an hour and I was getting quite tired, it was almost 9pm. "I think I'm going to head home Ethan." I said.

"Fine, just leave me here." He joked.

"I'm sorry it's getting late and we have school tomorrow. Goodnight." I pecked him on the cheek and walked up stairs.

"Bye Paige." Grayson said from the couch.

"See ya later Grayson." I smiled opening the front door.


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