Chapter 16

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Miranda's POV

"Hey what are you two doing?!" The cops yelled walking towards us.

"Nothing, we just came for a walk and wandered in here. I just wanted to see what was over this fence." Grayson lied.

"That's fine. We have been having a lot of vandals these past few days and can't seem to find who it is." One of the cops said, "but we would like for you two to climb back over the fence, you could get in a lot of trouble for wandering into private properties." The cop said pointing to a sign that said 'PRIVATE PROPERTY'

"Sorry sir." Miranda said climbing back over the fence and I followed behind.

"Have a nice evening you two." The other cop said.

"You as well." Grayson smiled.

We started walking back out of the alley. "Thanks so much Grayson!" I smiled.

"Oh aha no problem." He smiled, "but please don't do it again. I don't need you going to jail."

"I won't Gray."

"So um why did you leave?" He asked.

"Paige was being a bitch today." I frowned.

"What happened?" He asked worried.

"Well Nash and I got into a little fight than I asked..." I explained to him the story.

"That bastard kissed you?!" Grayson screamed.

"Yea." I didn't tell Grayson that I kissed back.

"I'm going to beat his face in." Grayson said obviously angry now.

"Grayson, no! I don't want you to get hurt!" I said as a tear trickled down my face. God I hate crying, I don't even know why I was crying.

"What the hell was he thinking? He's been an ass to you for all these years and than tries to fucking rape you and than kisses you?!" Grayson shouted.

"Listen Grayson, just leave him alone. I don't want you to get hurt. I can deal with it myself." I shouted back at him.

Grayson's POV

"I don't want him hurting you though." She means the world to me even though she doesn't know that and I don't want her getting hurt. I can't just let Nash keep hurting her.

"He can't hurt me anymore than he already has." She frowns with more tears falling down her cheeks, "he really can't. But I've got to go home. I will see you tomorrow at school." She said walking up her driveway.

"I love you." I whisper.

"What's that?" She stopped and turned around.

"I said see you tomorrow." I half smiled.


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