Chapter 18

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Ethan's POV

I was late to school because I forgot to plug in my phone last night and it died before my alarm went off and Grayson didn't wake me up.

I quickly rushed to school, it was halfway through the first period, I had math with Paige. When I got into class I saw an open spot next to Paige. "Mr. Dolan you're late." The teacher spoke.

"Sorry woke up late today miss." I smiled and took my seat.

"Where were you?" Paige leaned over and whispered.

"Woke up late because my alarm didn't go off and Grayson didn't wake me." I whispered back, "I was wondering if you wanted to go out for lunch today."

"Umm yea sure." She blushed. Damn she was cute.

*lunch time*

I walked out of class and straight to my locker as fast as I could than rushed over to Paige's locker. "Hey have you seen Miranda today?" She asked as I came closer.

"No. Have you seen Grayson?" I asked.

"No, they must be together. I have no idea. I was just gonna apologize to Miranda." She frowned.

"What happened?"

"Well Nash started kissing her the other day and I didn't know what to do and panicked and just left. Mainly because she kissed back so she must of enjoyed it. I don't know I just don't want Grayson to find out she kissed him back that would break him." She explained.

"Shit." I mumbled as we walked out of the school doors.

"So where are we going?" Paige asked as we wandered onto the sidewalk.

"I was thinking that small pizzeria down the street. That ok?" I asked worried she wasn't going to like pizza or something crazy like that.

"Ooh sounds good. I love pizza." She smiled.

"Awesome! Me too!" I smiled.

We walked in silence for a little bit. I felt her hand slowly touch mine and she slipped her fingers into mine. I looked down at our hands and smiled. She smiled too.

*after ordering*

"Ew pineapple on pizza?" She laughed.

"Better than just pepperoni and cheese." I teased.

"Fruit just doesn't mix with pizza." She laughed.

"It's my favourite topping on pizza." I said serious now.

"You're so weird." She giggled and took a bite of her pizza.

"Well you're cute." I smiled.

"Aw thanks Ethan!" She blushed, "want a milkshake? I'm kinda wanting one now and was gonna go buy one."

"You don't have to pay I got it. But I would like a milkshake too." I smiled grabbing my wallet.

"You bought the pizza so it's only fair I buy the milkshakes." She smiled, "what kind do you want?"

"Hmm chocolate. But seriously I can pay."

"You don't have too." She ran up to the counter.

Paige's POV

Am I dreaming? He just called me cute!

"What can I get for you dear?" The lady at the cash interrupted my thoughts.

"Umm can I get a vanilla shake and a chocolate shake. Please?" I smiled.

"Yes you can. That will be three dollars and eight cents please." She said and I handed her the change.

I waited a minute or two and the milkshakes were finished, "thank you." I said grabbing the milkshakes from the lady.

"One chocolate milkshake for Mr. Dolan." I handed him the milkshake.

"Thanks Paige." He smiled. Fuck his smiled was cute. And he was just overall hot!

Ethan's POV

"So while you were gone I was thinking, umm maybe you would want to umm hang out later tonight." I hesitated. Why can't I ask her to be my girlfriend?! Fuck!

"Yea sure! What are we gonna do?" She smiled.

"We could play a video game. But I don't kn..." She cut me off.

"I don't mind them. What game?" She smiled.

"Ever played Last Of Us?"

"No but I've heard it's got a good and emotional story line." She smiled taking a sip of her milkshake.

"Well I guess that's what we'll play. But we will have to take turns I don't think it's a two person game."

"Taking turns doesn't bother me." She smiled.

*after school*

"Ready to play?" I asked as we walked down to my basement.

"Ready than I'll ever be." She laughed.

We started playing. She sat a bit further away from me on the couch than I would prefer but that's ok.

*10 minutes later*

"Wanna play now?" I asked.

"Well I guess so but I'm gonna get eaten by one of those clickers." She laughed.

"Just try."

"Two minutes and nothing has killed m.. Aw fuck never mind." She laughed, "I suck at this." She frowned handing me back the controller.

"I have an idea." I said.

"What's that?" She smiled.

"Come sit on my lap and I'll help you." I smiled

"Ok, I better not die in the next two minutes!" She laughed.

Paige's POV

This was quite comfortable. One step closer! I was getting quite good at this video game stuff.

*15 minutes later*

"I think that's enough for tonight." Ethan laughed.

"Really?" I frowned turning towards him, still on his lap.

"Yea." He smiled and leaned in. I leaned in as well. Our lips touched and it was amazing!

"Finally our first kiss and no interruptions." He smiled pulling away from the kiss.

I just bit my lip with nothing to say because it was so amazing. "I better get going home." I said.

"Let me walk you." Ethan suggested.

We went to walk out the door and it was freezing! "Holy crap it's freezing!" I shouted.

"Want one of my sweaters?" Ethan laughed.

"Sure." I laughed. He ran upstairs quickly than came down with a baggy pullover hoody, "this should work."

*at Paige's house*

"Thanks for walking me home Ethan." I smiled opening my front door.

"My pleasure." He smiled.

"Want your sweater back?" I asked.

"You can keep it for a bit I barely wear it."

We hugged one last time before I went up to my room to go to sleep.

I threw on some sweat pants and kept on his sweater I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.


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