Chapter 32

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Miranda's POV

After Grayson left I went upstairs into my room locking the door sliding down to the floor letting the tears escape.

Today was the one year mark of my sister's death and it was her birthday. I just miss her so much, Avery is my everything and I just want to hug her one last time telling her everything will be okay but I can't because she's gone! I was sobbing and I couldn't see anything, I just wanted to scream and hit something. 

"Miranda shh calm down, whatever it is you're gonna be okay!" A voice cooed, I couldn't see who it was everything was a blur. I wrapped my arms around the person's neck sobbing for what felt like hours. I finally calmed down and noticed the person trying to calm me down was Jack.

"I'm sorry..." I say wiping my face.

"Why you so sad Elmo?" He asked me, I laughed a little at how he called me Elmo.

"It's my fault she's gone..." I whisper biting my nails.


"Avery..." I say trying not to cry again. "My- our sister..."

"What happened to uh her?"

"She died of lung cancer a year ago today... she was just five years old and now she's gone!" I sniffle, I wiggle out of Jack's grip and walk out of my room grabbing my black sweater and bag. I had to clear my head I didn't care if I get arrested or mugged in the process.

"Where are you going?" Jack shouts from the stair case,

"Places, gonna have some fun you coming with?" I ask, he nods and walks out of the door.

Jack's POV

Her eyes were bloodshot, she had been crying for hours and I felt so bad she was in such a sad state.

We had left to go somewhere, I had no clue where we were going but I didn't want her to do something stupid.

After walking for what seemed like forever she took a turn down a dark alley and than taking another corner we stood staring at a wall covered in graffiti. One thing caught my eye, it was the name 'Avery' painted big enough for everyone to see. I looked back at Miranda who opened her bag pulling out some spray paint, she tossed me a can as she started adding black roses to it like the tattoo she has.

"Hey I have an idea!" I say as she puts the paints back into her bag.

"What is that?" Taking the can from my hand.

"Tattoo..." I wanted to get the exact same tattoo she has in memory of OUR sister.

"Are you serious?" She asks laughing.

"Yep, come on!" I say pulling her out of the alley.

*at a tattoo parlour*

"How may I help you?" A big buff man asked us.

"He wants a tattoo." Miranda says pointing towards me, I nod.

We had to fill something out but it was finally time to get the tattoo. It hurt like a bitch, but it was well worth it.

"You're some girly guy." The tattoo guy says jokingly. I laugh a little at his comment.

"I got the tattoo in memory of my little sister." I say with a faint smile.

"That's sweet of you." The man says with a smile. I smile too, dad wasn't going to be happy but this means a lot to me and her.


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