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"Price, do you copy?" I say over the radio.

"Loud and clear Ghost. Do you have an eye on the location?" He asks.

I look down at the tracker. I look back up at the large abandoned looking building.

"Affirmative." I look to the side and see Soap who is about 10 feet away from me. "Soap and I are about to approach the building."

"Good. Gaz and I are in the chopper on overwatch. If things go haywire, I'll be there to help."

I take a deep breath. "Copy that. We are headed in now."

I look to Soap. I nod and we both head towards the building. The night sky made us barely be seen.

"The tracker says the kids are located on the top floor." I say quietly.

"How many floors are there?" Soap asks.

"Three. Be careful Johnny. Al-Asan may be in there right now as well." 

We approach the door. Soap looks to me.

"Let's go get em LT." 

I nod and we burst through the door, taking down 4 soldiers. 

"First floor is clear." I say quietly into the radio.

Soap and I make our way up, taking out every soldier we see. There were no signs of kids left. There could have been a thousand rooms in this entire building. o wonder Al-Asan chose here.

"Price. Soap and I are making our way up. Do you see anything from up there?" I say into the radio.

"Nope. You're all clear from what I see Ghost." Price says.

"Ghost. I think you should see this." Soap says. I turn around to see him looking at a bunch of papers on the wall.

I walk over. It was pictures and documents of the kids. Every single one had a price. Some were a couple hundred dollars; some were a couple thousand. One that made me feel sick, was one for a million, which was a young girl. 

"Those sick bastards must already have them on the market." He looks at me. "Do you think were too late?" 

"There's only one way to find out." I look at the pictures of the kids. Their faces look absolutely terrified. "Let's go find them."

We walk back to the direction we were going before, but we heard a noise behind us. We put up our guns pointing towards the sound. 

"Quiet Soap. Follow me." I say and we slowly walk towards a door that led into another room.

We get to a room that was completely full of food and water. It smelled terrible in here. The sound got a little louder. We realized what it was. It was a child's voice.

"Ghost. They must be behind the wall." We both only see a closet. Soap carefully opens it up to see a big secret door that is locked with a keypad.

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