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Eight Years Later

"Tommy! Don't be too rough on your brother!"  I shout from the kitchen into the living room.

Tommy and Atlas wrestled in the living room on the floor while Ellie laughed at her brothers. I glanced every once in a while, to make sure they weren't being too wild. Tommy was 5 and named after Simon's brother, Atlas was 3 and named after my dad, and Eleanor or Ellie was a year old and named after Simon's mother.

I was still a teacher and Simon was still in the military. I couldn't give up teaching just yet. It's still the best job that I could have ever gotten. Simon gave me the choice to be a stay-at-home mom when I was first pregnant with Tommy. I told him how much teaching meant to me. It still has its cons but o much of me couldn't let it go.

Simon also was right when he said he'd give me anything I wanted. We got the house I wanted and dog that Simon didn't like at first but ended up loving. Best of all, he made me a mother. Which will be the best thing he's ever given me.

I finish dinner and walk out to the living room to watch the kids play. Our German Shepard, Baxter, was sitting by Ellie watching as well. I cross my arms and laugh. Tommy was purposefully letting Atlas win. He was a great big brother. It made me miss when he was a newborn. Simon and I were completely head over heels for him.

"Look mommy! I'm doing it! I won!" Atlas says excitedly. 

"I see that. You must be so much stronger than Tommy." I laugh.

Tommy sits up on the floor. "Yeah, maybe someday you'll be as strong as daddy."

I watch as they both smile at each other. We hear the car door slam outside and the boys get excited. The door opens as Simon walks inside. He pulls off his mask putting his gear on the floor and smiles at the kids.

"Daddy!" Tommy and Atlas yell.

They run up to him and he squats down to their level, holding them in his arms. 

"How are my boys? Were you good for mommy?" He asks. They both nod and laugh.

"We missed you daddy." Atlas says. 

Simon smiles and kisses his forehead. "I missed all of you too."

I held Eleanor in my arms, and she coos towards Simon. He stands up and the boys grab onto his legs as he walks over to us. He takes Ellie from my arms and places a kiss on her cheek.

"And how's my baby girl?" He asks smiling. He holds her in his arms.

I melt every time he comes home. Seeing him so sweet with our kids is the most rewarding thing I've ever seen. I remember when Tommy was born. Simon was almost terrified to be a dad. He didn't know if he'd be a good dad. Once he held Tommy, I knew that he would be the best father for our kids.

Simon talks with the kids, and they mumble off everything that they did that day.

I smile. "Okay, why don't you go and wash up for supper?" 

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