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I finally got the okay to be up. My days have been filled with dumb treatments and rebandaging, over and over. They let me finally get to move around.

I walk out of the infirmary and my legs try to adjust to walking again. The base was quiet. No one was around. It was only 8:00 but usually soldiers would be up ad around at this time.

I eventually see Price sitting at a table in the kitchen. In his hands was a glass of whiskey. He turns to see me and smiles.

"Ghost. Good to see you up." He says. I walk over to him. "How are you feeling? 

"Better than I was before. I'm sick and tired of being in the same place for days." I say sitting back in the chair across from him.

He slides over the bottle of whiskey. I wasn't really supposed to be drinking but if Price was offering, obviously I was going to take it. I pour myself a glass. I immediately take a sip and it felt good to finally have alcohol in my system again.

"Been keeping busy?" I ask.

He chuckles. "If you mean trying to round up the sergeants then sure." I smile. "But yeah, everything's fine. Weve got things under control. You just focus on getting back to health."

"I guess." I sigh and take another sip. "It's been lonely in there. Just me and those idiot nurses who try to get with me."

He smirks. "You're not interested in them."

"No. Of course not." I scoff. "I have other things to worry about then a couple of bratty nurses."

"Like Caroline?" Price says. I look up at him.

I don't say anything and take another sip.

"Cmon Ghost. You know I'm right. I know for a fact you can't stop thinking about her."

"What do you know captain? I lean forward. "Shes just a girl."

"You and I both know she's more than a girl to you." He says. I was silent. "I've seen the way you look at her. You light up when you hear her voice and get a little excited when someone says her name."

He caught me. I mean I guess it has been obvious.

He sits back I his chair and smirks. "Remember when you stayed by her side when you brought her here after the attack. You never left no matter how hard I tried to pull you away."

"She needed care. Thats all."

"Simon." He says in a serious tone. I snap my eyes back at him. "There's so much more to this than you think. And I think you know."

His eyes pierce at me. I give in.

"Alright, yeah, she means more to me. Is that what you want?" I say rolling my eyes.

He smiles. "I knew it. I mean we all did. Why didn't you just admit it?"

I glare towards him. "Because I don't want to believe something that isn't true."

"What do you mean?" 

"Price, she doesn't want a man like me. I'm broken, I'm cold, I'm not who she thinks I am."

"Are you bloody blind? I've seen that girl enough times to realize that she doesn't just think of you as a cold and broken person." He says. "When Soap called her to come see you, she dropped everything and rushed here. She stayed with you as long as she could, just like you did her."

My eyes become softer. Everything Price was saying was true. 

"Even if she did, I don't deserve her. I can't always be here for her and treat her like the amazing woman she is." I say looking down at my glass

"Maybe you don't, but she doesn't care. She could have anything she ever wanted but the one thing she would be missing is someone that loves her. And that someone is you."

I look at him with wide eyes. Did I love her? I've never really loved anyone before. I don't think I even know what it means. But I think Caroline is my definition of love.

Prices smile grew. "So, she isn't just a woman after all, huh?"

I chuckle a little. "I guess not." I lean back in my chair. "She isn't just a woman. Shes gorgeous, smart, and caring. Shes not like anyone I've ever met."

"I don't know what she did to you, but I've seen you change personally." He sips from his glass. "If you gave her a chance, I bet you'd be a completely different person."

"Do you really think she would want to be with someone like me? I mean, she is widowed. It really caused her a lot of pain. I don't think she'd ever want to move on from the memories of him." I say.

He nods. "Maybe she isn't, but it might be that she hasn't found the right person to move on with. That person could be you, Simon."

Could I be that person? Price doesn't even have a woman so what does he knows. Unless he does. 

"I think that she could be great for you. Her kindness and gentleness are exactly what you need. Youve never looked at any of these nurses her the way you look at her." He raises his eyebrows.

I playfully roll my eyes. "Alright, I'll think about it. I'll decide by the end of my recovery what I'll do."

He smiles. Price was giving me that dad talk that I never had. When my dad talked to me about girls, it was how to get laid and basic sex ed. When Price talked to me, he made me realize the goodness in her that could help me mentally and make my life better.

"So, you don't have anyone Price?" I ask smirking under the mask.

He chuckles. "What if I told you I did?"

I lean forward. "You do? You never told us anything." I say surprised.

He shrugs. "I had to keep my private life distant from you muppets. But if you're willing to keep a secret, I'll tell you" I nod. "Shes a great woman. Shes a few years younger than me and has some experience in the military. We met when she was giving me intel about one of the missions. Once I saw her, man, I fell hard."

I smile. "Your just seeing each other?"

He nods. "We have been for a couple months, but to be honest, I want to marry her so bad." 

He smiles and swigs the rest of his whiskey down. I could see Price with a woman. He was the kind of man any woman would want as a husband.

He lets out a deep breath. "I suppose I better get some work done."

I forgot he was taking over most of my work as I recovered.

"I hope you knocked some sense into that head of yours. She could be the one Simon. I truly feel it." He says before standing up and giving me a soft pat on the back. He walks back to his office leaving me at the table.

A thousand thoughts ran through my mind. Could she feel the same? Or is she just caring cause that's practically her whole profession? 

I drink the rest of the whiskey and leave the table to go back to the infirmary, still keeping her on the edge of my mind.

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