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I walk through the woods with Penny. Unfortunately, we had to be put together. I practically begged to have someone else but apparently, we would work best together. Last time we were together, it caused Caroline to never want to see me again. 

Speaking of Caroline, I have tried to keep her off my mind so bad. She's all I think about. If I could go back and fix all this, I would in a heartbeat. 

Penny walks beside me trying to keep up. "Don't try anything. Were here to finish this mission, that's it. I don't need you trying to put yourself onto me."

She rolls her eyes. "I wasn't going to. Just relax, Simon." 

Her hand touches my shoulder, but I shrug it off. "I can tell you were a while ago and like I said before, you are to call me Lieutenant or Ghost. I'm tired of you calling me Simon."

"Well, that's your name, right? I like calling you Simon." She says. I keep walking, ignoring her.

She stops in her tracks. "Hey, we need to go this way." She says pointing more to the right.

"Are you sure? Do you actually know what you're doing?" I say coldly.

She crosses her arms. "The longer were out here the more you have to deal with me."

I sigh. "Alright. If something happens to us, it's all your fault." I say walking past her.

We walk in the direction that she said to go. It did look like the middle of nowhere. I lead us along. We get to a point that there was nowhere else to go.

"Where exactly are we?" I ask. 

Suddenly, she pushes me to the ground and gets on top of me with a knife to my neck. My eyes widen and I look up at her. She had my wrists pinned over my head with her free hand and her knee dug into my chest, making it hard to breath.

"Wha-what are you doing?!" I say

She smirks. "You did it. You finally fell into my trap." She digs the knife closer. "This was all a plan Ghost. Now I have you in my hands. I'm surprised you didn't think too much about how well I did the first day of training. Unless you just thought I was too sexy to think twice of. I thought you were better than that."

I groan as her knee dug more into my chest. "Wh-why would you do this?!" 

"I needed to get close to you as possible so I can learn everything about you and your team. It worked." 

I keep looking up at her, flustered. I dint know what to do. I was stuck again in her grip.

"You see, Simon. The Russian group you're after? Thats my team. You don't want to mess with them or me. I made my way here to sneak onto your little rookie group to successfully get close to you. Then, I'll go after your captain, and your sergeants until all of you are gone." She raises her knife. "I'm starting with you."

She goes to plunge the knife into me, but I break free and push her off. I try to catch my breath as I stand back up. I pull out my knife and she get back up. She goes to stab me, but I dodge her. We try fight each other for a while, trying to strike and dodge each other. 

I finally grab her wrist, putting it behind her back and pin her to the ground with both her wrists in my hand. I pull out my gun, pointing it at her.

"Youve ruined my whole life. Everything." I say angrily.

She glares over her shoulder. "What life? Like you had anything important going for you." 

"I had something important and because of you, she thinks that I'm a backstabber. I knew from the day you were here you were off. You even wanted to kill my teammates. Everyone thought you were the perfect little soldier. I should have known better. Now, I deal with pain from now on because of you. You're a traitor and a wrecker." I say coldly before shooting her, ending her life.

I get up off of her and look down at her lifeless body. I see on her arm a tattoo. It was a symbol for the Russian group we were looking for. It resembled that she was one of the best. Almost highest ranked.

I hear footsteps. I point my gun in the direction of the sound. I hide behind a tree looking out for whoever it is. 

A person comes into view. Its Soap. I drop my gun in relief. I walk out from the tree. He notices me then looks down at Pennys dead body. 

"Ghost. What happened? Did you...?" He asks.

"She was a spy for the enemy. She learned all about us. She was required to kill us. She was going to kill me first, but I got her." I say.

He stares down at her. "Steaming." He sighs. "Price sent me looking for ya. He said that he couldn't get you over the radio." 

I narrow my eyes and try to contact Price through the radio. "Price come in. Do you copy?"

A few seconds of static come through before I finally hear a voice.

"Ghost. Thank God you're alright. We need backup. Where's Penny?" He exclaims.

I look to Soap and speak back to Price. "Shes gone. She was one of the enemies. Because of her, we may be in some big trouble now."

"We'll discuss her later. For now we need lots of backup. We could be in some serious trouble." He says.

"Soap and I are headed your way now." I say.

I look to Soap. "Looks like we've got a big job to do."

"We sure do LT. Lets go kill these bastards." He smirks and nudges my shoulder before we both walk off, unsure about what might happen next.

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