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I walk through the doors of the hospital. I was terrified to see them. I go up to the front desk lady.

"Hello, how can I help you?"

"I'm here to see Atlas Madden. I was told he had a stroke." I tell her.

"Are you family?"

"Yes. I'm his daughter."

She types into her computer. "Alright he's in room 211. You go up the elevator and walk to the left." She writes me a visitor pass and looks back up at me. "Thats a gorgeous necklace by the way."

I look down and smile. "Thank you." 

She puts on the wristband and lets me go. As I walk towards the room, my anxiety grew. I gently held onto the necklace and played with it. Not just for my dad, but what my family was going to say. I knew that they would all be there since they are always kissing his butt 24/7.

I turn to the left out of the elevator and down the hall I already see them. I stand in the hallway, and they all see me. I see their eyes widen even from far away. I see my 3 younger siblings Karah, Jaxon, and Samuel. Holly, one of my oldest siblings, looked at me with them in shock. I start to walk down. I then see the other two. The two that absolutely hate me. Ryan and Bailey. 

I see Bailey cross her arms. "Well look who it is. The person that only cares about her family when they are on their death bed."

I let out a deep breath. Ryan starts to talk as well. "I'm honestly surprised that you showed up. I thought you were the type to up and leave and never see their family again."

"Look I know you both are still angry and hate me but please...it's been 7 years." I say sounding a little desperate.

My other 4 siblings just watch it all unfold. "Yeah. 7 years. With no call, no visit, nothing."

"Bailey I..." I say.

Ryan cuts me off. "Do you really think that we would be happy to see you? You left this family at an awful time. And for what? To marry some douchebag and become some poor little teacher."

I glare at him. "Don't call Aaron that. He was nothing like that and you know it."

"Why else would you marry him?" Bailey scoffs.

I get angry and clench my fists. Holly comes over to me and puts her hands on my shoulders, trying to calm me down. "Caroline, maybe you should wait out in the lobby." She tries to guide me away, but Bailey stops her.

"No. No Holly. Shes a woman now. She can make her own decisions, right? And she can do what she wants, right? She can also face us like a grown adult woman cause that's what she left us to become." Bailey says angrily. Holly kept her hands on me. "You left us. All of us. You left us at a time that you should have been here. We were all going through the same problems as you Caroline."

"Well at least I did something about it instead of just complain and suffer!" I say angrily.

She takes a step towards me, but my little brother Jaxon holds her back. "It doesn't mean you should just go and start a new life. While you were out there, we all had to deal with mom and dad. We grew up, graduated high school and college, got married, had a few kids. Our kids don't even know you exist."

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