Chapter 1: Prologue

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🎶 Never Going Home — Kungs 🎶

28th August 2021

📍 Manchester, England, UKcatalinaaaaaaaaaa First night out in my new cityyyy 🥳

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📍 Manchester, England, UK
catalinaaaaaaaaaa First night out in my new cityyyy 🥳

ameliajenkins Can't wait to see you in a bit!!
manuel_aglr That skirt is too short
Replying to manuel_aglr:
catalinaaaaaaaaaaa You're too short brother 👊🏼

"Hey, are you here?" my new friend Amelia asked me over the phone as I was just a bus stop away from the restaurant we were meeting up at.
"Yes! Two minutes, just around the corner!" I told her.
"Perfect, reservation is under my name!" she told me and we quickly said goodbye before hanging up.

I took a sigh as I watched the buildings pass by through the bus windows. New city, new life. After passing my IB at a boarding school in Cheshire, I decided to start studying medicine here in Manchester. My parents had sent me away from home two years ago, after my father had had an affair and they were only arguing at home. Mum chose to forgive him eventually, but they wanted to send their kids away from home, probably to reduce their worries. My older brother Manu had finished school at that point then and moved to Madrid to study, while I was shipped off to England.

"Hi, reservation under Jenkins?" I asked the waitress when I arrived at the restaurant.
"Yes, it's the table right there" she told me friendly and I thanked her, walking to where she had pointed.
"Hey! Our Spanish chick!" Amelia greeted me at the half-full table - whew, I had expected to be way too late, but apparently not. I had sat next to Amelia at our first lecture, a few days ago and we were meeting up with some other guys we had gotten to know a bit better during this first week of uni.

Dinner was pretty fun, we were a group of people with mixed nationalities from all over the world, one thing that was definitely cool about studying in England. After that, Amelia convinced us all to go to this fancy club and most of us agreed. I did too, even though I was on the verge of broke-ness for this month, I mean, it was the 28th. My Dad was a lawyer and earned pretty well, but we weren't rich, just pretty solid middle class. That's why I always made sure to subtly flirt with one guy of my group to get free drinks to get me through an evening - but I'd never hook up with them. To be honest, I was still a virgin, I... just wanted my first time to be special, with a person I loved.

When we arrived, the club was already packed and great music was thumping through the speakers. Amelia dragged me along and we found a nice spot to drink and dance right under the VIP area.
"Oh my gosh! Jack Grealish is here!" she squealed as she checked out the figures there.
"Who is Jack Grealish? Your ex?" I asked confusedly.
"Oh my, I wish! Do you follow any football?!" she shouted over the loud music and I shook my head.
"Girl, you're missing out on so many hot guys to drool over" she chuckled and squeezed my shoulder as she slung her arm around me.

"Oi! Here, get us some cocktails!" my fellow student George shouted into my ear after some dancing and drinking with the others, and pushed a 50£ banknote into my hand. Wow, what a charmer. I rolled my eyes and walked to the bar - I was getting a free drink in the end.
"Here you go" the barkeeper told me as he placed the drinks in front of me on the counter.
"How much?" I shouted at him, waving the banknote in front of our faces.
"Oh! Your drinks are covered by the guy upstairs!" he shouted and pointed at the VIP area.

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