Chapter 46: Clubbing at Christmas

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🎶 Segundos Platos — Morat 🎶

After a long-ass dinner at some distant aunt's house, which included almost forty people and just as many courses during which Ferran and I kept our distance, just to mess with his sister some more.
"He's such an idiot. He looks your way all the time as if he'd want to undress you asap" she muttered as we were putting our coats on to meet with the rest of the lot on the town square again. Here, friends were really just like family.

I giggled and us two, with three of the other girl cousins (everyone was related to everyone here, and if you weren't, you probably dated) walked ahead with the boys following after a minute. The main square was already full with people, it was even more than usual, probably because everyone had come back home or to visit relatives for Christmas.
"I say..." Ari started and took a drink from one of her friends' tables to hand it to me. "... You drink to gather up some courage and make a move on Ferran tonight?" she chuckled.

I took the drink from her hands and clicked my tongue, giving her a mischievous grin.
"... Orrrr I just play with him" I chuckled before downing the drink as whole. Lidia and Alba joined us alongside some other friends and relatives of I don't remember who.
"Yo, girls, we're thinking of going to Mya in the city, you coming?" Ferran's friend Pablo asked as the usual boy group approached us.

"What's Mya?" I asked Alba.
"A club in Valencia, it's pretty cool" she replied and I raised my eyebrows at her.
"You guys go clubbing at Christmas?" I asked surprisedly. Back when my family was still normal, we used to mostly play board games on holiday evenings.
"Yeah! Why not? It's the only time we're all together back at home" Lidia shouted. And that's how I found myself crammed into a taxi with ten other people, half-sitting on each other's laps, driving down to Valencia.

When we arrived at the club and stumbled out of the car again, I felt a strong arm holding me back.
"You look so good tonight" I heard Ferran whisper from behind into my ear and I got all giddy and warm inside. Seeing Ari in the corner of my eye, I turned around and looked at Ferran, admiring his every face feature - he was looking so damn handsome himself and I traced my index finger on his chest over the hoodie he was wearing.

I grabbed the fabric and pulled him closer to me, our noses now touching and the rest of our bodies maybe mere millimetres apart.
"I thought we pretended to hate each other?" he chuckled.
"Mhm... I told Ari I was playing with you tonight when she suggested that we should just make up again" I replied and gave him a mischievous grin.
"Fuck, you're such a baddie" he chuckled and I pushed him away, sending him a wink before I turned around and joined the others at the entrance again.

"Whoa, that looked hot" Lidia swooned.
"Yeah, I can see his hard dick from this distance" Ari howled and leant onto my shoulder for support in her laughter. We got inside and someone grabbed us drinks which we sipped on while dancing the night away. It had been so long since I had last really gone clubbing - it was just too expensive and going out with athletes rarely involved getting shit drunk and partying.

And it was the same this evening, I wasn't a great drinker anyways, and stopped anyways after two G&T's when I felt some tipsy-ness sneaking in. Ferran also seemed the least intoxicated of our group, probably because it was mid-season for him and Barca's results weren't exactly splendid.
"Want to dance?" he asked with a husky voice as he hugged me from behind, slinging his arm around my waist and pulling me close to him, his nose tip tracing the top of my shoulder as we swayed to the music together.

Ari noticed and her and Lidia kept forming hearts with their hands and holding them up towards us, making me roll my eyes playfully and send them a middle finger back. Ferran swatted away my hand with the vulgar gesture and laughed at the girls.
"You know why I'm the luckiest person compared to everyone here tonight?" he asked and I rolled my eyes again at his corny-ness.
"Because you earn millions for a job that's basically just fun to you?" I teased him.
"Yeah, I'm pretty lucky about that too. But actually, it's because I have you here with me" he chuckled.

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