Chapter 58: Problems on Top of Problems

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🎶 If You Need Me — Julia Michaels 🎶

The happiness me and Ferran took back from Seville only lasted for a very short time. First, Barca lost to Athletic Bilbao and was out of the Copa del Rey, then came a disastrous game against Villarreal at home - after which Xavi resigned as coach by the end of the season and then came the game against Osasuna.

 First, Barca lost to Athletic Bilbao and was out of the Copa del Rey, then came a disastrous game against Villarreal at home - after which Xavi resigned as coach by the end of the season and then came the game against Osasuna

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📍 Estadi Olimpíc Lluís Companys
Tagged: lina_ferrero
barca.gossippppp Ferran's girlfriend Lina ahead of the game against Osasuna tonight!

user1 Ok but I'd commit crimes to look like her
team.ferran Ferran only pulling bangers
campusferrantorres 😍
user2 Not Ferran's campus' acc commenting 😭
ericgm3 Sexy

"Let's hope for a good game, we need it" Sara next to me sighed, and I nodded nervously. But just six minutes in, I saw Ferran running after a ball and slowing down with no reason, grabbing his thigh and falling to the ground. Oh God, no. I put my hands in front of my mouth, shocked as I watched him sitting there. He asked for medical assistance apparently, because the club's doctors came running out onto the pitch. Never had I wanted a player to simulate so much, but instead, he stood up with the doctors and walked off the pitch in tears, burying his head in his jersey.

I leaned back in my seat and saw Fermín entering the pitch for him - I was still in shock.
"Maybe it's not even something serious, just a knock" Sara muttered, trying to cheer me up.
"He only cries when it's bad, like... really bad. And even then, he tries not to do it in public, he's... pretty scarred about that for a reason" I mumbled, my eyes tearing up now too. He didn't deserve all of this. The match had turned uninteresting for me now, as all my thoughts circled around Ferran, who had returned to the tunnels.

Suddenly, my phone buzzed and I pulled it out quickly, hoping that it would be news from Ferran. But, no.

Lina, I need your help

What the fuck? My hands started trembling and I showed Sara the text when she noticed my mood change. My phone dinged again while she held it, shocked too about what she had just read.
"It's Ferran" she said when she saw the new message and gave me back my phone.

Ferri 🦈❤️
Can you drive me home?

Cata ❤️
Of course, when?

Ferri 🦈❤️
I'll be waiting at the entrance to the parking, there shouldn't be too much going on now

Cata ❤️

"You want to come too? I feel bad about leaving you alone..." I asked my best friend. Choosing between a boyfriend and a best friend really wasn't easy.
"Nah, don't worry, I'll be fine. He needs you" she encouraged me and I nodded. I kissed her goodbye before standing up and earning glares from other fans as to why to I was leaving in the middle of the first half.

I met Ferran where he had told me, his head hanging low while a security guard tried to build him up with encouraging words.
"Hey" I said and put my arm around him before mouthing a "Thank you" to the security guy.
"Hi" he muttered with a low voice before we started to make our way to his car.
"Give me your backpack" I told him, wanting to take some weight off him.
"I can carry it, I'm not handicapped" he huffed and I rolled my eyes.
"I know. But you also always insist on carrying my bags because it makes my life easier and now it's my turn to help you make your life easier, so don't argue" I replied sternly.

He stopped in his tracks and gave me a small smile before he handed over his backpack.
"You're the best thing that ever happened to me" he said and I smiled back at him, blushing. We got into the car and I started driving the now almost familiar way back home to him.
"Can you drive me to my medicals tomorrow morning? I'm not allowed to drive until the exact extent of the injury is known..." he asked, staring blankly at the road ahead.
"You can check on my phone - if I'm working the late shift, I can drive you" I replied and pointed at my bag where my phone was in.

"Code?" he asked.
"0000" I replied.
"That's not very safe" he chuckled.
"You can change it to 2902 if you want" I shrugged, trying to be corny.
"Aww" he cooed and I slapped his arm lightly, making him laugh - oh thank God I was able to bring that out in him.

"Why are you afraid to cry in public? Or in general? I've... noticed but... I don't know if I'm right about this, so sorry if-" I blabbered, but he cut me off.
"Sira always told me that footballers don't cry" he replied, rubbing his jaw as he still looked ahead and I furrowed my eyebrows.
"What the heck? Why would she say that?" I asked and he shrugged.
"She's been in the football world longer than me, she probably knows-" he started, but this time it was me who cut him off.

"I may be no expert of the football world at all, but I can tell you that crying is completely normal, no matter if boy or girl, athlete or non-athlete. Forcefully trying not to show emotions is definitely bad for your mental health" I said and he took my hand that was resting on the gear shift.
"I know that now. And I'm grateful that I have you to come back to with my huge emotional baggage" he chuckled and leaned in to press a kiss on my cheek.
"Good" I replied seriously.

We arrived back at his place and he hobbled up the stairs to his room, which broke my heart to see. He just wanted to play, show that he deserved a place here and now a setback.
"I'll- go shower, I didn't at the stadium, so..." he muttered and I nodded. While he was in the bathroom, I scrambled around his closet to find a t-shirt to wear for me to sleep in.

When he emerged again, he was wearing nothing but a towel, slung loosely around his hips and I looked at him from head to toe.
"Like what you see?" he asked and smirked as he walked over to his bed and laid down on it. I slowly nodded, walking over too.
"Then you'll like this even more..." he chuckled and untied his towel, making me see his hard dick. My eyes widened and I slowly crawled on top of him.

He grabbed the back of my head and kissed me hungrily, he wanted this- scrap that, he needed this. He tried to push my head down but in that moment, my mum's text got back into my head.
Lina, I need your help
I shut my eyes close and tried to concentrate on the kiss and Ferran, who was silently begging for a blowjob, but my head was stuck with my mother's words.

"Sorry" I panted and pulled back. "I can't do this right now" I said and looked at the wall next to me.
"Hey" he said softly and took my head in his hands to turn it towards him. "What's going on?" he asked concernedly and I waved it off with a hand gesture.
"It's not important, I... you should focus on your injury" I muttered and climbed off of him, but he grabbed my arm.

"No. I open up and you also should, so: What's going on?" he asked sternly.
"My mum..." I whispered and his eyes widened. "She texted me..." I added and a tear slipped down my eye.
"What did she say?" he asked, as he pulled me close to him, covering himself with his towel again. He had accepted that this wasn't the moment now.

"That she needs help" I sniffled and he caressed my head as he put his on top of mine.
"You think she's serious or it's an excuse?" he asked and I shut my eyes.
"Probably both" I sighed.
"You want to call her with me?" he asked and I shook my head.
"Tomorrow maybe, my head is a mess right now" I replied and he nodded.
"It's ok. I'll be there" he replied and I cuddled myself closer to him, enjoying the safety and warmth I felt in his arms.

Never Let Go (Of Me) • Ferran TorresWhere stories live. Discover now