Chapter 37: Pulling Out Lousy Textbook Tricks

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🎶 Habit — Laurell 🎶

It was another dull day at work today. International football break was over and punctually with that, Ferran had started texting me again - typical fuckboy behaviour. I hadn't even bothered replying because I'd crumble if I'd listen to him shower me with compliments and sweet promises, falling back into a pattern of being his toy.

While I was unpacking Barca footballs and putting them up for sale in their metal basket, I heard someone approach me and quickly stood up to put on my best sales manners.
"You must be fucking kidding me. What are you doing here?" I asked angrily through gritted teeth when I saw that it was Ferran.
"Coming to talk to you since you're being childish and not replying to my texts." he replied, unimpressed by my anger.
"At my workplace?! Where everyone knows who you are? Imagine me showing up on your guys' training pitch, you wouldn't like that either, hm?" I hissed and crossed my arms as I looked around me. My co-worker Emma already had her eyes set on the scene, so I started walking away to hang up stuff back up that people had left in the changing rooms. But of course he just followed me while looking around the store himself, where more and more heads were turning.

"Why didn't you call or text while you were away?" I asked and snapped my head at him, my question catching him by surprise.
"Are you serious? I was working, I had to focus!" he defended himself and I couldn't believe it. As if the other guys didn't have time to text their girlfriends or wives. I just shook my head slowly and let out a deep breath.
"A guy asked me out" I told him and he laughed.
"What? You want to pressure me now? You know we're exclusive and there's only you for me-" he replied, but I cut him off.

"We never established that. At first I said no to him, but after this conversation, I'm thinking to say yes" I said sternly and his eyes widened.
"You can't be serious. That's how you throw everything away? Our trust, our friendship?" he asked and I could feel my eyes burning. He was the only thing I wanted but he was taking me for granted and I just wanted to be treated right. Was that too much to ask for?
"It was in your hands Ferran, and you messed up. Please leave me alone" I said with a shaky voice and a tear flowing down my cheek.

He shook his head in disbelief and hit the counter with his fist, making a few people turn around once again.
"Just so you know it: you just broke my heart, congratulations! The one you repaired after Sira broke it. Guess you're just like her..." he said calmly, but deadly and I stopped breathing as he turned around and walked away, until he was out of sight again.

"What the hell was that? You know Ferran Torres?" Emma asked me agitatedly.
"No... he... he swung by once and placed an order for some merch, but I... forgot. He was quite upset, I... hope he won't get me fired" I stammered, just making up some stuff because I didn't want anyone to know about my involvement with a club's player. It was no one's fucking business.

After work, I decided to go to Sara and Dan's to cry it out. She was already awaiting me with a bottle of wine and I thanked the Heavens - I needed a lot of that stuff right now. In between tears and hiccups I told my best friend what went down today at the store.
"He does sound hurt, Lina..." she commented.
"Who's hurt?" Dan asked as he came walking into his apartment.
"Lina broke Ferran's heart and now she's going out with Carlos Alcaraz" Sara giggled and her fiancé looked more confused than ever while I just shot her an annoyed glare.

"I was just protecting my heart from getting broken first and no, I'm not going out with Alcaraz" I cleared things up for Dan.
"Why not? There's no simpler trick in the books than making a guy jealous. And with a super successful and hot athlete? Damn, he'll come crawling back to you in no time, Lina" he chuckled as he slumped down on the couch with us.
"That's a lousy trick and I don't want to play with anyone's feelings" I shot back and he raised his eyebrows.

"Come on, I think you should go out with him" he tried to persuade me, but Sara was just giving him a confused look.
"Hello? I thought we were Team Ferran? Their stolen glances when they were here for dinner? The hand touches? How he made her laugh?" Sara asked making upset hand gestures.
"Thanks for reminding me what I've lost" I sighed. "But maybe Dan's right. Carlos was very funny and sweet and... I liked how he made me feel when he asked me out... and for my number..." I mumbled, a small smile playing on my lips.

"See? Nothing better than a man to forget another man!" Dan exclaimed proudly and clapped his hands while Sara just face-palmed herself.
"Unbelievable that you're more of a girly girl than I am" she groaned at her fiancé, which made me laugh with Dan. Sara tried to remain serious but had to give in to our laughter too after a few seconds.
"Oh our Lina... going out with one hotshot athlete after the other" she chuckled and patted my back.

After another hour of hanging out with them, finally talking about other topics rather than my love life, I made my way back home. As I was sitting on the bus, I pulled out my phone and opened Carlos' chat.

Lina Ferrero
Hey, I just wanted to ask if that offer of playing a match was still up? 🤞🏼

I hadn't expected an answer quite this quickly, but he surprised me, my phone dinging after mere seconds again.

Carlitos Alcaraz
Oh how the tables have turned, now it's you crossing fingers! 😜

Lina Ferrero
*uncrossing fingers hastily because she got caught*

Carlitos Alcaraz
But yeah... I'm free Mon/Tue/Wed next week? I guess I could drive down to Barcelona 😉

Wow, he was really serious and made time for me in the middle of his probably more than hectic schedule? And fucking Ferran couldn't even text me while away with the national team? After a quick glance in my calendar, I replied again.

Lina Ferrero
Wednesday sounds great!

Carlitos Alcaraz
I can come pick you up at work? When do you finish?

Lina Ferrero
Sounds good, my shift ends at 5
I work at the Barca store in the Ciutat Vella

Carlitos Alcaraz
Hala Madrid! 😝

Lina Ferrero
I'm pretending I didn't hear that
My best friend's fiancé works at Barca

Carlitos Alcaraz
Pretend I never said anything

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