Chapter 15: Too Good of a Friend

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🎶 You're On Your Own, Kid — Taylor Swift 🎶

And there I was again, ringing Ferran's bell, slightly less nervous than last time, but still. Something about him always made me shy up, and I didn't know why. He was by far one of the easiest people to talk to and be with that I had ever met in my life - but I shied away from being vulnerable with him for some reason. He opened the buzzer without answering this time and I could already see him leaning against his doorframe.

"Oh wow! Any plans we made that I wasn't aware of?" he asked when he saw my face full of heavy make-up as I had come straight from a shoot.
"Sorry, time was tight! But I baked something for you! Blueberry muffins, sugar- and butter-free! I hope this complies with your diet, if not, I can just eat them all myself" I blabbered as I pushed the tupperware box into his hands.
"12 muffins? Nah, you'll get sick, I'll gladly offer myself up to help you. I'm a gentleman after all" he told me with a grin on his face and I grinned back at him. Gosh, he was so adorable. I would have loved to pull him in for a kiss, but I guess that was not what friends would do.

"Seriously, Cata, thanks. This is very nice of you" he told me as we had gotten inside.
"I feel bad for exploiting your hospitality again and you having to serve me something to eat..." I mumbled.
"Hey, I'm happy about the company! It does get lonely often with family and friends far away..." he sighed as he stirred a pot in the kitchen.
"But you have Pedri and Eric and Gavi and so on" I replied.
"Sure. But on some days, it's enough to see them for hours at training" he chuckled and I laughed too.

"How was training, by the way?" I asked him.
"Quite good, but I'm kind of relieved that the season is over soon. It will be sad to say goodbye to Camp Nou on Sunday..." he replied.
"Yeah, I'll be at the game" I admitted, blushing for no reason.
"Really?" he asked, his head turning to me with a smile.
"Dan said I can't miss this under any circumstances. For me, it's just a stadium" I shrugged, knowing that I would get a glare and a speech how it wasn't "just a stadium" now.

But I was surprised that I didn't.
"It's nice that you support Dan. Have you guys chosen a ring by the way?" he asked curiously.
"We did! He's very excited! They're flying to Greece in a month and he'll try to gather up enough courage to ask her there" I replied.
"She'll say yes for sure. I'm not around him too much because us attackers have another kit guy, but Pedri and Gavi always seem to have fun with him" he told me and I was happy that he wasn't superficial, but on good terms with the staff. "You have a photo of the ring?" he asked curiously and I nodded.
"It's nothing too big, it's not like he earns like you guys, but she isn't the type for grand jewellery anyways" I told him, a bit nervous. He could probably afford huge ass fairytale rings and would find this one ridiculous.

 He could probably afford huge ass fairytale rings and would find this one ridiculous

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"Wow that's pretty! I like the gold band!" he complimented the choice. "What's your dream engagement ring?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows.
"Wow, you seem to be getting straight to the point!" I replied, raising my eyebrows.
"Oh, don't act! Every girl has a Pinterest board with dream engagement rings, ideas for her wedding, and weird stuff like that. At least my sister did. When I was 13 I wanted to look for ideas for a football-themed birthday party but her account was still logged in on our computer and I was left traumatised by all the white tulle and diamond rings I saw on there" he blabbered and I laughed.
"Guilty. I also have a Pinterest board like that" I admitted.

Never Let Go (Of Me) • Ferran TorresWhere stories live. Discover now