Chapter 42: Back In Valencia

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🎶 Patience — Take That 🎶

"Okkkkk, tell me everything!" Ari squealed as she closed the door of her room behind her, me standing in the middle of it with my suitcase.
"How much do you know?" I sighed as she started pulling out the second mattress from under her bed.
"Not much, unfortunately. Ferri always closed off when I asked about you. I know about your tennis romance though" she giggled and wiggled her eyebrows. "Fuck, he's so hot, I have such a crush on Alcaraz. Sometimes, I read fanfics about him" she swooned.

"Yeah, he's single anyways, we... mutually acknowledged that there weren't enough feelings for more than a fling" I sighed. "Probably because I have feelings I can't get rid of for your dumb, idiot brother" I added and threw my phone onto her bed.
"100% agree with the dumb idiot part, but... he really has deep feelings for you, Cata... With you, he's... the best version of himself I've ever seen" she replied.
"... And I'm the most vulnerable version of myself" I sighed and raised my eyebrows.

"I'll just set up mistletoes throughout the whole house, you'll end up under one sooner or later, then you kiss - fireworks go off - boom! Magic! You have bombastic sex, he puts a baby in you, and then you live happily ever after!" she swooned, underlining her dreams with very explosive hand gestures.
"You're even weirder than your brother" I muttered and let myself fall down onto my bed, covering my eyes and hoping that Christmas would pass quickly.

The next morning, I arrived downstairs for breakfast early, as I wanted to help Maria in the kitchen and not be a lazy guest - everyone hated those.
"I somehow want to know everything that happened between you and my son, but on the other hand I'm afraid that I would be disappointed by my education if I knew" she chuckled as she was cutting the ham and I was arraying the cheeses on a plate as nicely as possible.
"It's surely not your fault... He's... a man, that's explanation enough, I guess" I sighed and she nodded.

I heard Ferran's footsteps padding down the stairs - fuck I even recognised his footsteps, how deep in was I? - as his mother set the table and he shouted a good morning before walking into the kitchen where I was cutting the bread into slices.
"Hey" he whispered from behind and almost leaned down to kiss my cheek, but I turned around quickly and slapped his face away lightly.
"What are you doing?!" I hissed and his face was blank.
"Sorry! I... got carried away... seeing you... in the kitchen..." he stammered embarrassedly.

"Are you serious?! Do you still live in 1950? 'Saw you in the kitchen' - asshole" I muttered more to myself than to him as I pushed him away to walk over to the table. Unfortunately, Ari had already occupied her seat and I was stuck between her and her brother now, great. Their stepdad showed up too and we all started eating, Maria announcing today's agenda to all of us. It was just dinner and church afterwards, but still.

"We're meeting the lot at 4 on the square" Ferran announced and I tried really hard to not roll my eyes.
"If the lot involves Joan, I'm not coming" I replied and held my knife tightly.
"Well, you're stuck here and you don't have much of a choice. You can... just fight him if he annoys you - he's too much of a pussy to hit back anyways and the town hasn't had some good gossip for ages" Ari giggled.
"So nice how you talk about my best friends" Ferran shot back.
"Well, they haven't exactly been nice to Cata, so it should actually be you fighting him" his sister clapped back and they looked ready to tear each other's heads off.

"Fine. What do we do until 4?" I sighed.
"I have to go to the florist" Ari announced with a bright smile on her face. Her and her damn mistletoes.
"We're visiting my sister so... It's you and Ferran" Maria said with an amused look on her face.
"Great" I sighed and leaned back onto my chair.

After breakfast, I hurried upstairs to Ari's room and hoped that Ferran would just let me be, but no chance.
"Scream now if you're naked, I'm coming inside in three seconds" Ferran announced from outside. I let out a scream but he entered the room nonetheless.
"WHAT?! I REALLY COULD HAVE BEEN NAKED!" I shrieked and covered my body, even though I was fully dressed.
"Nothing I haven't seen before and I knew you would just try to escape me but no way. Grab your bag" he announced and I rolled my eyes, taking my crossbody bag and stuffing my phone inside it before following him to his car outside.

"Where are we going?" I asked as we were driving south into the city.
"Going to see some sharks" he said and grinned at me.
"Good. I haven't seen some in a while. Guy next to me is more like a sepia rather than a shark" I huffed and he burst out laughing.
"I'd rather be an octopus though, rather than a sepia..." he replied with a mischievous grin.
"Why?" I asked confusedly and furrowed my eyebrows as he still continued grinning.
"Because I could pleasure your tits, your pussy and your asshole all at once with my tentacles" he replied proudly and I was about to throw up.

"You're disgusting" I groaned, but my body was reacting otherwise. It was screaming for his touch but no way he was getting it, not after those comments.
"Sorry... It was too easy of a joke to make" he chuckled and I just rolled my eyes, taking deep breaths. We arrived at the museum, with Ferran knowing his way around and where to park the car, before he bought us entrance tickets that got us inside. There were quite some families around as it was Christmas, and he was asked for some pictures here and there, and I kept myself in the background discreetly.

"So now you're actually taking me out, hm?" I asked as we walked through the mangrove swamps.
"You should have just said something if that was what you wanted" he sighed.
"I wanted you to figure that out yourself and not come off as a whiny, needy girl" I huffed. "You know... since after America, I... wanted you to treat me differently, as... more. But you still made me feel just as a friend, whom you now kissed and eventually had sex with. Not as your... love. I don't know how to explain this" I said as I looked around, trying to soak everything in.

"Cata... The fundament of a good relationship is communication! You need to tell me stuff like this" he urged.
"Whatever. Not like we're ever going to be in a relationship anyways" I huffed.
"Oh yeah? Why are you here then and haven't asked me for a train ticket for Barcelona yet?" he asked and crossed his arms in front of his chest.
"Maybe because I actually like your family and don't want to be alone at Christmas?" I shot back, my eyes burning at the thought of a loving family that wasn't my own. "But sure, I can leave if you want me to" I scoffed, but he grabbed my arm, turning me towards him.

"I didn't mean it like that... There's nothing I want more than you spending Christmas here. I'm just... trying to understand you" he said as he caressed my cheek, tucking a streak of hair behind my ear.
"And I'm trying to understand you. It's not like you've been any better at communicating" I scoffed and took a step back to put some distance between us.
"I know, but I'm at least willing to get better. I don't know about you though" he huffed annoyedly and continued walking, following the directions to the ocean tank.

We stood under the glass now, the blue of the water surrounding us as all sorts of fish swam by.
"You were my first big... love, if I dare say so. Since that night in Manchester there was no guy I met that could measure up to you. And when we met again and started to get closer after your breakup... Man, I thought that I was getting that fairytale love story with my first and only guy, you know? But maybe I was too naive, there's a reason for fairytales being fairytales and reality being reality" I sighed as he looked at me, his hands stuffed in his hoodie's pocket.
"Well, dreaming is the beginning of getting everything you want" he just said before walking closer to the glass of the tank to wave at a shark that was swimming past us.

"Well, dreaming is the beginning of getting everything you want" he just said before walking closer to the glass of the tank to wave at a shark that was swimming past us

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📍 Oceanogràfic València
cata000cata 🦈

ericgm3 Dreaming about the day I can sing Baby Shark to your kids 😏
sara12233 Did you call them daddy? 😏
bananaguy2 Photographing an ultrasound of you-know-who's babies?
cata000cata I should block you all. I post one nice, innocent photo and you all turn it into something dirty 😡

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