Chapter 30: Sleepover

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🎶 Meet Me Halfway — Black Eyed Peas 🎶

📍 Costa Brava, Spainlina_ferrero Beach day ☀️🌊

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📍 Costa Brava, Spain
lina_ferrero Beach day ☀️🌊

user1 🔥🔥🔥
ritacarbonero Tomorrow back to selling jerseys 😭
dan_thekitguy You look ecstatic
ericgm3 Que guapa 😊

user1 🔥🔥🔥ritacarbonero Tomorrow back to selling jerseys 😭dan_thekitguy You look ecstaticericgm3 Que guapa 😊

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📍 Costa Brava, Spain
cata000cata 🍑✌🏼

sara12233 ohhhh ok, the slutty pic for the private acc 😂😂
bananaguy2 Ferran has been gone for a bit too long, he was last seen going to the loo
ericgm3 Pissed that you now blocked me from your main acc but I'm not gonna complain, the pics here are so much better

My best friend Sara and I were currently chilling on the beach as Dan was away with the team, travelling to Madrid for their first league game of the season against Getafe.
"Sooo how was the rest of the party with sharkboy?" she asked and wiggled with her eyebrows.
"We ubered home and he dropped me off first" I replied, skipping the part where we fully made out on that poor driver's backseat.
"You didn't let him come upstairs?" she asked surprisedly.
"Nope, he has to sweat a bit more for that" I chuckled.

"Very good. I do think he should take you out on a proper date if you want to ask for an opinion" she said as she turned around to tan her back.
"I'd love that too, but I'm just afraid of being pictured and getting so much hate" I mumbled and fidgeted with my baseball cap.
"People will just think you're Eric's girlfriend" she snickered and I shot her a glare. "Come on, even if you get hate, those are just some trolls. And in the end, he's not Pedri or Gavi, I think it would be worse dating them" she added.

"I don't even know if it's what he wants or I'm just really the rebound, just like Sira said... Maybe I gave in too fast, I should have waited, being friends for longer..." I muttered.
"Lina, that guy is head over heels for you, just like you are for him. Give it time, enjoy it. Love isn't fast-paced with strict labels on it. As long as he treats you well and you're happy, let it flow" she said and I nodded, agreeing with her.

We packed up our stuff eventually and returned to my friend's apartment where I was going to stay the night after watching the game. Ferran wasn't starting which already made the whole thing less interesting to me, but it was an... entertaining game, if you put it that way. Barca were down to ten men in the first half and in the second half, also a Getafe player was shown a double yellow. There were no goals but plenty of yellow cards and it was undoubtedly a very weird start to the season.

The next day, I was back at work, folding and selling jerseys all day long, and for some reason, I was moody and annoyed at everyone and everything. It only got worse when I arrived home and saw a letter from the Student Loans Company in my mailbox. Fucking great. I tore it open as soon as I had arrived upstairs and groaned when I saw the first warning for an instalment in the amount of 2,250£. Where the hell would I get that money from?

A knock on my door startled me and I walked over to open up, revealing a Ferran leaning against the doorframe.
"What are you doing here?" I asked, maybe a bit too harshly, but I only realised that after having spoken.
"Sorry... Is it not a good time? You haven't been replying to my messages..." he mumbled and walked inside as a stepped away from the door.
"Sorry, I've been having a bad day" I muttered and walked back to the counter where that damn letter was lying. I quickly stuffed it back into the envelope for him not to see it.

He obviously eyed my motions suspiciously and furrowed his eyebrows, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
"What's going on?" he asked.
"Nothing. I'll probably get my period tomorrow" I replied dryly, but he continued to look at me with a challenging face.
"What?" I asked, annoyed by his detective behaviour.
"Don't close off, not to me. I'm your friend, right?" he asked and I scoffed.

"Sure. A friend you like fooling around with just because it's fun and gets you off or what?" I shot back. Fuck, why was I being such a bitch now.
"Ok, you're clearly not in the right mood. Should I go again?" he asked calmly.
"Yes!" I shot out but quickly turned around and grabbed his arm. "No. No. Don't go." I sighed and leaned my front against his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and pressed a kiss on my hair.

"Want to order some food?" he asked and I nodded into his chest. "Sushi?" he asked, knowing he had spoken the magic word. I raised my head to look at him and saw that he had the same intriguing smile on his face I had now too. We both laughed softly and he pressed a kiss on my cheek before placing the same order we always had at our favourite Japanese on Glovo.

He took out his iPad from his training bag when he was done and fired up Netflix before turning around in my one-room flat to look for a couch, which I didn't have.
"There's only the mattress..." I mumbled, pointing at my depressing-looking "bed".
"Should I change out of my clothes? You know... To not get it dirty..." he asked and my eyes widened at the thought of him undressing.
"Oh... um... yeah..." I stammered and he shot me a small smile before grabbing a fresh shirt from his bag and disappearing into my bathroom.

Shit. I should probably change into my pajamas too if we were laying in bed. I opened my closet and clothes and bags started falling out and dropping onto the floor with a loud noise. Argh. Next problem I faced, was knowing that I owned exactly three summer pajamas and they were all kind of sexy with lace and satin, that I had gotten from shoots. And it was way too hot to cover up with a hoodie or something else. I grabbed the less kinky one of the three and quickly changed. When Ferran got out of the bathroom his eyes almost popped out.

"Just don't look" I chuckled nervously.
"Yeah... If you asked me to learn Japanese that would have been easier" he replied and I laughed. He walked over and wrapped his arms around my waist.
"You make me happy" he whispered and poked his nose with mine. I sighed and just leaned against his chest, hoping that it was enough. Because he made me so damn happy, even though in this moment I couldn't show it, but it was like that. He was what I had always dreamt of, how I had always wanted to be treated in a relationship. A deep, mutual understanding and a tinge of excitement and adventure.

I pulled away and gave him a smile, which was met by his lips and I melted into the kiss, my hands wandering up, tugging the (way too short) hair. He was such a good kisser, damn, I never wanted to stop - but his soft lips left mine way too soon and he took my hand and smiled before he made himself comfortable on my mattress. I laid down in his arms, him hugging me from behind as he positioned the iPad somewhere in between our legs. We settled on watching Breaking Bad and just five minutes in, the delivery service guy rang and I went to open up.

I set up my suitcase next to us as a kind of table and we ate while continuing to watch the series that had us both hooked.
"You want me to leave?" Ferran asked at some point as we had finished yet another episode, and I checked my phone for the time. 23:44 my iPhone read and I bit my lip.
"You want to stay over?" I asked back, looking up to him from the embrace I was laying in.
"How can I say no to that offer?" he replied, softly smiling.
"Let's hope your back isn't ruined at training tomorrow after a night on this hard board" I chuckled and patted my mattress.

Never Let Go (Of Me) • Ferran TorresWhere stories live. Discover now