Chapter 61: Her Father

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🎶 Boulevard of Broken Dreams — Green Day 🎶

We had gotten into Ferran's car after saying very dry goodbyes and leaving my childhood home. Hopefully for the last time.
"Now you tell me where this little fucker Julio lives" Ferran said and I had to giggle at his anger.
"He lives on the next street but since it's Saturday, he's probably hanging out with the others at the football pitch." I chuckled.
"Football? If I weren't injured I'd send a ball straight into his balls" he scoffed and followed my directions as he drove.

As expected, everyone that was still stuck in this town from around my age, was hanging out there. We got out of the car and the eyes immediately turned to us. None of the people here drove a fancy car like that.
"No way! Catalina Ferrero has returned after failing at everything in life except for finding a rich boyfriend!" my ex-best friend Lili shouted and everyone laughed. But Ferran was fed up of this town and everyone living in it, so he held his arm over my chest and walked ahead.

"Who of you losers is Julio?" he asked and the cowards they were, they all immediately pointed at him, like Judas sold out Jesus. Not that Julio was like Jesus, not at all.
"You" Ferran growled and grabbed him by his collar. "When you return to your depressing desk where you work your pathetic 9 to 5 job on Monday, you'll go to your boss and clear Cata's name from every fucking document involved in that stupid credit her mother took. And if you don't I'll turn your ass in to the police, I swear" he threatened him and I saw Julio gulp and nod slowly.

"And just to clear things up with all of you: I'm the lucky one to have her, not the other way round" he added, now speaking to everyone before turning around and taking my hand again as we walked back to his car.
"Fuck... I've got more adrenaline in me than before a game" he huffed as he started the engine again and reversed out of the parking spot. "Onto your Dad. And then you either let me fuck you or I'll have to wank off because I'm on fucking edge" he said through gritted teeth, making me laugh.

"Fine, and then we'll go on a nice dinner date in Madrid and you'll go back to your sweet version" I chuckled.
"I thought the over-protective boyfriend version was hot!" he gasped, acting fake-dramatic.
"Oh, it is. But sweet, corny Ferran is the hottest" I chuckled and leaned my head on his shoulder, on which he quickly pressed a kiss.

"Do you want to see him?" he asked when we had pulled up in the driveway of the very fancy villa and I sat there, not knowing what the answer was.
"Yeah, but- I also kinda have nothing to say to him" I mumbled and he took my hand.
"I, on the other hand, really have some stuff to tell him, so I can do the talking if you want" Ferran said softly and I nodded. We got out of the car and I took one last deep breath as he rang the doorbell.

"Oh! Hello!" my father's girlfriend's daughter - who must have been my age - greeted us at the door, sending very flirty glances to my boyfriend.
"Hello. Is Cata's Dad around?" he asked, not really acknowledging her.
"You mean, my step-dad" she giggled and twirled a curl of her hair around her finger.
"Whatever. I need to talk to him" he replied annoyedly.
"Oh! Did you knock her up?" she laughed as she pointed at me and Ferran was once again close to losing his patience. He knew he couldn't punch a girl, but he seemed close to doing it anyways.

"Rebecca, who's there?" I heard my father's voice from inside and I started shaking. My Dad, the guy who taught me how to ride a bicycle, the man I had always looked up to in some way. That was, until he betrayed me and my family.
"Your son-in-law" she chuckled and finally stepped aside to let us in. Ferran took my hand to make me feel safe, showing me that he would always hold me.

"Ah, Lina! I wondered when you'd bring him around!" my father chuckled, acting like everything was alright and his behaviour completely normal.
"Actually, it's me who wanted to talk. Shall we sit?" Ferran asked and sat himself down on one of the couches without waiting for an answer, placing me next to him and putting his arm around my shoulder. My father raised his eyebrows and Rebecca quickly followed him with them sitting down across from us. This Rebecca girl was staring me down with the most evil grin and I was feeling so insecure and uncomfortable.

"You know who wasn't grinning?" Ferran suddenly snapped at her and her face fell in surprise. "Cata when I found her completely distraught at a gas station nearby the day before Christmas when you told her there was no place for her here" he continued.
"We were celebrating as a family and I don't know how that's any of your business" my father cut in angrily.
"And Cata isn't your family?" Ferran asked angrily.

"She's her mother's daught-" he started, but my boyfriend wasn't having it.
"No, stop it with your pathetic excuses. She's just as much your daughter as she is hers and I don't fucking know how two dumb asses like yours could make the most perfect being on Earth, but everyone knows that somehow in math minus and minus equals plus. I came to tell you that I'm stepping up here and doing what you should be doing in the first place, and that is, taking care of her. Did you know that her best friend's fiancé had to give me the Dad talk because you weren't there? Everyone around Cata knows how to do better than you - you should be fucking ashamed to be sitting here, playing dream family with complete strangers while your own daughter is struggling to make month's ends meet. You can erase her number from her contact list because I never want to see you around her again. And the day I'll marry her, you won't be the one walking her down the aisle, but I will. Because I stepped up where you failed." he said in the calmest, but deadliest voice.

He stood up wordlessly and took my hand, signalling me that he should leave, but I heard Rebecca's laughter behind me while my dad still sat there with his jaw dropped.
"Gosh, you're such a puppet in his hands. He'll throw you away when something better comes around, just like your father did" she snickered and that was when I lost it. Ferran may not be able to punch her, but I sure could.
"Don't you dare comparing them. You deserve the pathetic excuse of my father - you two are even alike. Both ugly - maybe not on the outside, but definitely on the inside" I spat, before taking Ferran's hand and walking outside with him again to his car.

"Well, now that was fucking hot from you" Ferran howled and clapped his hands on his thighs as we had sat back down in his car.
"That felt so good! Did you see my punch? Straight in her nose - bam!" I laughed and imitated my punch with my fist again.
"Are you ready to close this chapter and ride off into the sunset with me, your humble knight in shining armour?" he asked dramatically.
"Absolutely yes" I replied and leaned in to kiss him.

📍 Madrid, SpainTagged: lina_ferreroferrantorres 👸🏻🦈❤️

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📍 Madrid, Spain
Tagged: lina_ferrero
ferrantorres 👸🏻🦈❤️

user1 He posted her 😭
ericgm3 Oh, to be in Cata's place...
dan_thekitguy 🥹
pedri ❤️

Ok guys, "sorry" for these two chapters, but I wanted to close this storyline with her family, I felt like it was important to not leave that pending.

This is not the end, but we're close to it 🥺

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