Chapter 66: The Move

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🎶 One in a Million — Bebe Rexha, David Guetta 🎶

"These..." Ferran exclaimed. "... are all your clothes?!" he asked, sounding a bit overwhelmed looking at the mountains and piles of clothes I owned.
"Where's the underwear stack?" Eric asked with an amused grin on his lips. We were a few days away from the last La Liga game day and he had been nice enough to offer to come down and help with my move - that had to be done by the end of the month. And since Ferran and I were going away for a few days after the game in Seville, I had to move everything already now.

"You guys will manage, it's just the clothes. Those three boxes are all the books I managed to save from my parents' house and the kitchen stuff is all in that box" I explained and pointed around my flat. I had to be at a shoot today, so I left the boys only with my clothes that had to be folded and packed - they couldn't do much wrong with just that. Hopefully.

"Ok, I'm going. Thank you so much for helping, Eric" I said and hugged him sideways quickly before walking over to my boyfriend. "Thank you so much" I told him and caressed his cheek before kissing him. One of his arms snaked around my waist and pulled me closer.
"Go and have fun" he chuckled and tapped my ass before letting me go and I turned around to see an Eric whose saliva was running out of his mouth.
"I'll try and introduce you to some model from my agency" I told him and his face quickly turned into an excited smile.
"Yes!" he exclaimed and I gave him a weird smile before leaving. "YOU'RE THE BEST, CATA!" he shouted as I let the door fall into its lock.

 "YOU'RE THE BEST, CATA!" he shouted as I let the door fall into its lock

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lina_ferrero Another year, another calzedonia campaign 🥰

user1 You're so perfect 😭😭
barcafan101 Ferran is a lucky guy!
ferrantorres 😍😍❤️❤️
bananguy2 Petition for a certain football club to put up these posters again at the entrance of a very certain training center
aranntxa__ Damnnnn 🔥🔥🔥

"That was fun, it always is with you" my colleague Lola chuckled as we were getting dressed again after a whole day at the beach shooting this year's summer campaign for Calzedonia.
"Yeah, agree! Hey, I was wondering, are you single?" I asked and she looked at me with her eyes wide open.
"I... I'm- sorry... I... erm, I'm not... I mean... Aren't you dating Ferran?" she stammered and my eyes widened when I understood what she thought I'd mean.

"No!" I gasped and laughed. "I wasn't asking for me!" I chuckled and she laughed too.
"Oh! Sorry!" she now laughed too.
"I was asking... Do you know Eric Garcia? He also played for Barca, is now loaned out to Girona..." I brabbled.
"I think I remember him from the World Cup, show me a pic" she replied and leaned over my phone as I pulled up Eric's Instagram account.

"Ouf, he's cute" she said and I clenched my fist in success.
"Would you mind me... giving him your phone number? He's in desperate need to talk to a girl in real life... and probably also through a phone. I can't bear with him anymore" I chuckled.
"Yeah, but if he doesn't text me in the next 24 hours he won't have to wait for a reply. I know my worth" she chuckled.
"Don't worry, it won't take him more than three seconds" I replied. Probably also in bed. But I didn't tell her that or she definitely wouldn't reply.

When I returned back home, I was surprised to find only five or six boxes around - the rest of the flat all empty now. I called Ferran as him and Eric were probably driving back and forth from his place to here.
"Hey, are you back?" he asked through his car's phone system after he picked up.
"Yeah, where are you guys?" I asked back.
"We'll be there in 5, Eric picked up pizzas" he replied and I threw back my head.
"Fuck yes" I groaned, my mouth watering at the thought of a cheesy pizza.

After we hung up again, I turned around and looked at the four walls I spent a good year in now. I remembered Ferran's first time coming here, with Milo in tow as I was supposed to watch him while he was away in Japan. I remembered the first time we kissed here, by the kitchen counter, I remembered the time when Ferran broke my shower head and I still don't know how.

"Hey" I heard him say behind me as he walked in, the second set of keys in his hand.
"Hi" I replied and smiled happily. The best was yet to come.
"Replaying memories?" he asked and grinned.
"Yeah... A lot has happened in a year" I sighed and remembered all the ups and downs we went through.
"Yeah - but mostly good stuff" he replied and hugged me, looking down on me. "I promise I'll take good care of you, Cata" he said and brushed his nose against mine.

Unfortunately, our moment was interrupted by Eric ringing the doorbell, but on the other hand I was starving.
"I got free pizza sticks when I told the pizza man that I had to feed a poor model" he explained as he put down the boxes on my floor and we all sat down around them.
"You'll be happy to hear that I got you my friend Lola's phone number today" I told him and his jaw dropped.

"No way! The one in the purple bikini?" he almost shouted.
"Yeah, and I'd be quick to text her. She threatened to not answer if it took you more than 24 hours to do so" I chuckled.
"No way! Watch me be quicker than Charles Leclerc! Send me her number asap!" he said excitedly and Ferran and me laughed.

While us two ate our pizzas, Ferran asking me about any alterations I'd like to do to his home, Eric was already heavily invested in testing Lola, and to my surprise she even replied with sentences longer than just three words.
"Be nice to her, even if it should turn out to not be serious. She's cool and doesn't deserve a fuckboy" I told him.
"I won't. Thanks, Cata" he replied sincerely. "But you'll always be my favourite girl on Earth" he added in his usual playful tone and I rolled my eyes.

When we had finished eating, we said goodbye as Eric was driving back to Girona and Ferran and I carried the last boxes down to his car. I did one last trip back upstairs to close the door for the last time, and it felt good. I was 21, I felt ready to move in with my boyfriend and start my life with him. A lot of shit happened to me in my past, but the future was in my hands now. And I was sure that with Ferran, everything would turn out alright.

"Let's go" I said happily when I sat down on his passenger seat.
"It's a shame Milo's not here" Ferran said, his face only full-on smiling for the past hour - he was just as excited as me. Ari had taken Milo with her after her last visit as Ferran would be away also for the EUROs now and I wanted to try to go to as many matches as possible and couldn't look for a dog sitter every time. Ari on the other hand, could leave Milo easily with her boyfriend's family.

The drive was the same as usual, but the feeling was a different one this time. I was going home. We pulled up in his driveway and I couldn't contain my excitement.
"Your keys" Ferran said as he pulled them out from his trouser's back pocket.
"Really?" I asked and burst out in laughter when I saw the keychain with a shirtless photo of him printed on it.
"For the anticipation to what you'll always be coming home to from now on" he chuckled and I shook my head as I put the key in the lock and turned it two times.
"Welcome home" Ferran whispered into my ear and I smiled brightly at him.
"I've always been home since I've been with you" I replied and winked at him at which I swear I saw him blush.

And once again, we've reached the end 😭

I've loved writing this book so much and want to thank every one of you for reading, voting and commenting! 🫶🏼

I will update bonus chapters from time to time, so stay tuned!

And, if you haven't already, feel free to check out my other stories 🥰

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