Chapter 56: Future Talks

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🎶 Cornelia Street — Taylor Swift 🎶

Even though it was me taking Ferran out tonight, I still had asked him to pick me up at home because, well, he had a car and I didn't and going around by public transport wasn't really an option for him.
"You look just as beautiful as ever" he complimented me when I got inside. The dress code was still casual, but he would always find a way to make a flattering remark.
"Thanks, you look perfect as usual yourself" I replied and grinned before leaning into a quick kiss.

"Where to?" he asked as he reversed out of his parking spot.
"I've got the address in my Google Maps, I'll navigate you" I replied and told him to turn right at the end of the street.
"There's always one Apple Maps and one Google Maps person in a relationship" he chuckled.
"Yeah, that's true, Sara always makes fun of me for using Google, but she's also always the one to get lost or arrive way too late" I replied.

"She looked cute in that baby section at IKEA" Ferran grinned. "Is it in the cards already?" he asked.
"I think they both would want to wait, especially because they're only living off of his salary right now - she does have a scholarship now that helps with the cost of textbooks and uni expenses, but still, she definitely wants to earn some own money first" I sighed. It was still hard to wrap my head around the fact that he didn't have these type of worries.

"Was law never an option for you?" he asked pensively while we were driving through the streets of Barcelona.
"No, never. Medicine was already a choice just to rebel against my father" I replied. "I actually wanted to talk to you about this..." I sighed, knowing that this conversation had been pending for way too long.
"About your dad?" he asked and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Yeah, that's also a conversation for another time.

"No, well, another time, but... - Ah, shit, turn left here!!" I started, but stopped to give him a last-minute direction and he braked abruptly.
"You need to tell me sooner!" he chuckled and patted my thigh.
"Yeah, sorry. Let's talk about this later, we should enjoy the show first" I replied.
"The show?" he asked confusedly and I just grinned.
"You can start looking for a parking space" I replied and sealed my lips to not ruin the surprise.

"Are you taking me to a strip club?" he asked as we walked on the street hand in hand.
"Quite the opposite" I replied and laughed at his guess. We arrived at the venue and Ferran saw the poster hanging there.
"No way!" he laughed when he saw it and I showed the security the two tickets I had found on Facebook Marketplace for Gabriel Iglesia's show in the last minute. He was currently ranked as the #1 Spanish-speaking comedian and his shows were known to be exceptionally funny.
"Thought you could use a good laugh after Saudi Arabia" I replied and grabbed his arm, leaning into him.

We sat down on our seats and he put on his baseball cap, just to have some more privacy. The people didn't seem to notice though as the show was starting soon and we were excited too. What followed were probably the two funniest hours of my life and I was sure that my stomach muscles would be sore tomorrow from all the laughing. Both our eyes were still teary when we got outside again and we howled about the jokes all the way back to the car.

"And now?" Ferran panted, out of breath as we had sat back down in our car seats.
"Can you drive to the Bunkers?" I asked and he nodded, doing as I said. The ride was short and silent as we were both recomposing ourselves comfortable and when we arrived, I grabbed the paper bag I had deposited on the back seats when he had picked me up.

Thankfully, there weren't a lot of people as it was still winter and fairly cold, but we were bundled up in our jackets and scarves, when we sat down in a spot away from some others.
"Here you go, a healthy cold risotto" I said as I opened a Tupperware box and grabbed the two forks I had packed. He smiled brightly, he really loved my cooking.
"And I did those muffins for dessert" I added and showed him a second plastic box at which he acted to drool over.

"So... you wanted to talk..." he said as we were chewing on our food.
"Yeah, I..." I started and took a deep breath. "I need to do something with my life, I can't be a store employee forever. The job is good, but it really was and is just a temporary fix for my finances" I sighed.
"Ok" he replied and nodded. "What do you have in mind?" he asked, showing genuine interest and care.
"I... I've always loved fashion, but my parents always made fun of me for that. With modelling now, I've started to see more of the business and I'd love to stand on the other side of things one day... Like fashion marketing or business" I mumbled, hoping to not sound ridiculous.

"Makes sense, you've got a great sense of fashion" he replied and nodded, pointing his fork at me.
"Thanks" I said and blushed. "But..." I started, not knowing how to continue.
"But what?" he asked and I sighed. "Cata, you need to tell me what's on your mind, I want to be there for you" he said and caressed my cheek.
"I really want this to work with us and... I don't know where to apply to for the term starting in September... if you leave this summer" I mumbled quietly.

"Oh" he said, now understanding what this was about. "You can't tell anyone this stuff, not even Dan or Sara, ok?" he continued and I nodded.
"There are interests... Inter reached out and some Premier League clubs, but... nothing concrete. I want to stay at Barca" he said and I nodded. Wow, Milan or England again - those were some big changes.

"I mean, fashion-wise Milan or London would be a dream" I commented. "But I've just moved here and it's finally starting to feel like home... I have friends here and... a job I could work at part-time to afford uni. Fashion schools are expensive" I muttered.
"I'll pay for your school, no discussion" he said and my eyes widened.
"No way, you can't do that" I argued.

"Why?" he asked.
"What if we break up?" I asked back and his face fell.
"Why would you think that?" he said with a trembling voice and I quickly put my hand on his, trying to calm him down.
"I didn't mean it like that... I just... What if something happens to us and... I have to drop out of uni again, just like it happened with my parents? I... can't go through that again" I replied with a shaky voice, feeling a tear burning in my eye.

"Oh..." he mumbled as he put his arm around me and I leaned my head onto his shoulder. "I'll pay for the whole course in advance, I would never let you go through that again" he said and I closed my eyes.
"That's too much to ask" I replied.
"No. I'm just stepping up where your parents failed. You deserve to have someone to back you up and no matter what happens or not - and I'm just clarifying here and now that I don't ever see us breaking up - and I'll be that" he said sternly and I knew there wasn't any way to argue around this.

"So... should I start looking into online courses? I could be more flexible, if... you- have to move" I muttered nervously, not even knowing if he'd want me to move with him in the first place.
"No. I'll do my best to stay at Barca if it's also your wish to stay here. And then we'll take what comes year by year - you could always transfer or switch to online classes later on. But you deserve to have a fun student life, you deserve everything. Barcelona it is." he clarified and ended the discussion on this topic.

Never Let Go (Of Me) • Ferran TorresWhere stories live. Discover now