Chapter 38: The Shatters of My Heart

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🎶 Just A Dream — Nelly 🎶

Ferran POV

"There you are" I heard Pedri's voice as he patted me on my back after I had gotten out of the showers at the training center.
"Yeah, don't worry, I'm coming to your intervention evening" I huffed and walked to my locker and sat down on the bench in front of it. He had invited me to his place after training today, probably to check up on my depressed ass, alongside with his brother. Gavi had invited himself too I guess, he always showed up randomly and left just as randomly again, I don't know what was going on in that bloke's mind.

"It's not an intervention! I just want to spend time with my best friend, what's wrong with that?" Pedri asked, acting like he didn't know why he was actually doing it.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever..." I mumbled and put on my socks.
"The tattoo is sick by the way, Ferran, I really like it" Cancelo said to me from across the bench. He was new on the team and hence making efforts to get along with everyone, but he didn't know that he had struck a nerve with mentioning the phoenix tattoo on the back.
"Thanks" I mumbled and shot him a small smile.

"Your biggest so far, hm?" he asked and I nodded, scanning his tattooed arms once again - a lot was going on there. "Hurts like hell" he chuckled when he noticed me looking at his tattoos.
"I had a great view when I got it done, that... took away the pain" I replied and felt my eyes burning at the thought of Cata looking at the tattoo artist with a heavily concentrated face, biting her lower lip that evening in June. Thank God that I was laying on my back or she would have seen my dick getting hard. She was the sexiest woman I had ever laid eyes on - and I don't mean this in a purely physical way. Her smile, her initial shyness, her brain, her humour - all of that together made her sexy and irresistible to me.

I was pulled out of my daydream when someone tried suffocating me with a training t-shirt.
"What the hell?" I shouted at Pedri who stared me down and put his index finger on his lips.
"Shut up! You had two tears rolling down your cheeks and I wiped them away before someone could see them and pepper you with questions" he hissed and I sighed before shooting him a thankful look.
"I'll see you in a bit" I said and hugged him sideways when I was done before walking back to my car.

After a quick pit-stop at home during which I walked my dog and gave him some food, I drove to Pedri's where he was already waiting on the doorstep.
"Hey" I mumbled and went inside with him closing the door behind me. And then I saw him sitting on one of the couches. "Not an intervention and you invite Eric to drive down all the way from Girona for this?!" I asked Pedri, raising my eyebrows.
"Hey! I was just missing my best friends, there's nothing wrong with that!" Eric defended himself but I was so annoyed. Everyone and everything annoyed me since Cata basically broke up with me.

"You're all a pain in the ass. I'm waiting for Gavi to talk because I know what you want to know but I don't want to repeat myself. That guy just has to stuff his nose into everyone's business" I muttered and walked to the fridge to take out a bottle of water. Then I searched one of the cabinets for some granola bars - the only snack I was allowed to eat. I hated being an athlete in moments like these - moments in which I just wanted to stuff chocolate in me and drink one glass of wine after the other.

"I'm here" Gavi announced himself after a few minutes and I groaned, walking over to the couches. To underline that this was not an intervention, Pedri had put on some quiz show on the TV and him and Eric were faking to be interested in that, but I could feel the side eyes they were giving me.

"Ok, what do you want to know?" I huffed, knowing damn well the answer to this.
"No... Nothing..." Gavi and Pedri mumbled in unison, still concentrated on the TV, but Eric wasn't having it.
"What did you do that Cata ran?" he asked straight out and I almost lost it, but I remembered what I had talked about with my therapist. Deep breaths, ice cold mind.
"Why do you assume that I messed up and she ran?!" I asked him, however being offended.

Never Let Go (Of Me) • Ferran TorresWhere stories live. Discover now