Chapter 49: Happy New Year

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🎶 Light — Jerome 🎶

"He asked you out on the 26th and two days later he had a table at Berbena?!" Sara asked me as we were getting ready at her place for Pedri's New Year's bash.
"Yeah, I mean, he's a footballer, of course he'd get a table there" I replied.
"You heard that, Dan?" Sara shouted outside of the bathroom.

"What!" Dan shouted back and I heard his footsteps coming closer until he poked his head inside.
"You could call Berbena too and get us a table for in five months" my best friend said and batted her eyelashes at him.
"Of course, everything for you" he replied and sent her an air kiss before walking back to their bedroom to finish getting dressed.

I broke out laughing.
"You two are something" I chuckled.
"We're the best" she said proudly, smiling at the mirror in front of us before she looked down again at her engagement ring. I grabbed her hand with the ring and shook it in excitement, smiling at her brightly. I couldn't wait to get married to the love of my life one day either.

📍 BARRI SANFELIUTagged: sara12233cata000cata Ready for New Year's 🥳

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Tagged: sara12233
cata000cata Ready for New Year's 🥳

dan_thekitguy I have the prettiest fiancé 😍
Replying to dan_thekitguy:
sara12233 I love youuuu 💕
ericgm3 Cata, you want a ring too? 😇 I'm good at dropping hints to a certain someone!
sharkieboy000 😍😍😍😍😍
bananaguy2 Ffs why are all the pretty girls I invited taken

"Uuuuh, Pedri thinks you're pretty" I giggled as we were on the bus that drove us to the party. Ferran had wanted to come pick us up, but I insisted on meeting him there as he had wanted to spend some time at Pedri's before the party to hang out with him and Eric and I didn't want him to cut his time with his friends short. I was with my friends anyways, and it was fine.
"Yeah, he can shove up his bananas up his ass, because Dan is the only guy for me" she replied annoyedly and her fiancé laughed at her.
"I love you" he said and kissed her.
"Ugh, guys! Not in public!" I groaned and looked outside the window instead of at them.

"I'm sure you'll be snogging off your boyfriend all night so shut up" Sara clapped back.
"He's not my boyfriend" I mumbled, my brain now flooding with memories from a few months ago - we weren't going to repeat that, right?
"Chill, he's asked you out on a second date now, he wants to do it right. He'll definitely ask you soon" Dan replied, knowing how to calm me down. He was right, Ferran was going to do the right thing this time around.

We arrived at Pedri's and his brother opened the door for us before grabbing my shoulders and pushing me all the way through the living room to Ferran, who was talking to Eric and the host.
"Package delivery, please sign to confirm receipt" Fer said and Ferran laughed, gesturing to sign Fer's extended hand before grabbing my waist and pressing a kiss onto my lips. I turned dark red - in front of everyone!

"Cute! I'm going to throw up now!" Pedri piped up and walked away.
"I'm staying and watching, care to do some more of that? I have nothing against it getting more spicy!" Eric commented and my expression turned into one of disgust.
"You're a creep" Ferran mumbled before putting his arm around me and walking away.
"Where are Sara and Dan? You want something to drink?" he asked and I swooned innerly at how nice and attentive he was.

"I lost them at the entrance but they can't have gotten far... And yes, let's go to the kitchen, maybe we'll find them there" I replied. And indeed, they were both there, talking to who I think was Pedri's cousin. Everyone said hi and I smiled when I saw Ferran laying his arm around Dan's shoulder as they talked about something. I was happy that he made efforts to be friends with my friends too - he knew how much Sara and Dan meant to me and had done for me.

Sara grabbed my arm and dragged me to the middle of the living room which now was the dance floor. Tití Me Preguntó was playing und us two started dancing - I don't know if we looked good, but we were having fun, and that was what mattered to me. Some girls were acting as if they were performing at Moulin Rouge tonight, clearly trying to catch some footballer's attention. Ferran appeared and leant against a wall, watching me dance with Sara and I smiled. Dan wasn't a watcher and he came to snatch his fiancé and hugged her from behind, swaying with her to the music.

I just laughed and patted his arm, deciding to give them some couple time and headed in Ferran's direction.
"Want to know who has the sexiest girl here in the room?" he asked me and kissed my cheek.
"Dan" I replied immediately.
"Nope. It's me" he said and pointed proudly at his face.
"You're such a dork" I chuckled and ruffled through his hair that wasn't very long however.

"You want me to show you something fun?" he asked and twirled my waist so that he was now hugging me from behind, one arm draped around my shoulders, holding me close.
"See that girl with the pink top?" he asked and pointed at a girl with a top- more like a bra that was moving her hips as if there was no tomorrow. I nodded, feeling his face next to mine.
"She's sleeping with Pedri" he told me and I gasped.

"Nah, nothing serious, just casual sex. Anyways, over there..." he continued and our heads followed his index finger that was now pointing at another girl with a cut-out black dress that was showing more skin than it had fabric. "He's also sleeping with her" he said and my jaw dropped, but his finger now pointed at another girl too.
"Her too?" I gasped, looking at the brunette with some leather shorts that were showing a lot of her ass. Ferran nodded and laughed.

"That's disgusting" I commented.
"He knows he's Pedri and takes advantage of that" Ferran sighed.
"And where is he?" I asked, trying to figure out which one of the three he'd probably fuck tonight.
"With his fourth chick upstairs" Ferran snorted and laughed as I faked vomiting.
"And here I was thinking he's a nice guy!" I sighed.
"He is! But he's not ready for the commitment and keeps himself busy otherwise" he replied and shrugged.

"I'm happy you're not like that" I said as I turned around and sling my arms behind his neck.
"I'm just a romantic" he chuckled and gave me a quick peck.
"You really are, I can't wait for our second date" I replied and smiled.
"I'm sorry I didn't treat you right the first time. I... don't think I was really ready after the break-up. It's not that the feelings for you were missing, because I had and have a lot of them, but... I was still way too emotional to take a rational decision. And no matter how strong your feelings are, a relationship should always have its rational moments too and... I'm ready now, I really am. I worked on myself in therapy and want to be the best version of myself for you" he said seriously.

His declaration made my eyes burn because what if I wasn't good enough for him? I was just an ordinary girl with a wreck of a life.
"Hey, hey, no, why are you crying?" he asked and cupped my face, looking at me concernedly.
"What if I'm not good enough for you?" I asked and he raised his eyebrows, his lips curling into a smile. His hands moved to the necklace he had gifted me after coming back from the States - I had never taken it off, not even when seeing Carlos. It was literally the only thing I possessed that made me feel special to someone, to him.

"Remember what I told you when I gave you this?" he asked as he held the star pendant.
"Because I light the way" I mumbled, recalling his words.
"Because you light my way, especially when it's dark. I love you, Cata" he said and kissed me.
"Oi! It's not midnight yet!" I heard Pedri shout beside us and we pulled away.
"Fuck off" I huffed and tried to shove him away.
"Nah, come on, it's time, let's go outside!" he said and took mine and Ferran's hand, dragging us to the backyard where he left us alone again to go find his brother.

More people gathered outside and I saw Sara and Dan a few feet away from us. We all looked up at the sky that was already illuminated by fireworks.
"OK GUYS! LET'S GOOOOOO! TEN!" Fer shouted and we all chimed in to the countdown. At three, Ferran grabbed my cheeks and pressed a kiss onto my lips as it turned midnight and we both smiled, our lips staying connected for a few more seconds before pulling away.
"Happy New Year" I whispered and nudged his nose with mine.
"Happy New Year, Amor" he replied and looked at me adoringly.

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