Chapter 65: Next Step

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🎶 Best Part of Me — Landon Austin 🎶

Defeat. An unbelievable defeat. A defeat no one had believed we could suffer. The Barca players' faces were pain-stricken and some even teary as they stood on the pitch in front of their fans after a humbling loss against PSG at Montjuic. The Champions League dream was over and it had been so unfair after that red card from Araujo. Ferran had tears in his eyes as he looked at our stands and I felt my eyes water too. Sara was already on the next level, her cheeks stained with tears that just continued flowing - but then again, she had been following the club for longer and this was way more painful for her right now than for me.

I was mostly hurt because Ferran was hurt - he was trying so hard, but he hadn't quite yet found his groove again after the injury. He had arrived to the stadium by team bus while me and Sara had arrived via metro, so I decided to get back home and text him to make plans, if he even wanted to see me.

Cata 👸🏻❤️
Please remember that I'm always very proud of you, no matter the result
I've gone back home now, if you want to see me, I'm there for you 🫶🏼

Ferri 🦈❤️
No it's ok, I wouldn't want to bother you

Cata 👸🏻❤️
Bother me?!
1) I offered and 2) you never bother me, I'm always there for you, especially when you need me

Ferri 🦈❤️
Are you sure? It's late

Cata 👸🏻❤️
Nothing that some coffee tomorrow morning can't fix 😉

Ferri 🦈❤️
Ok 😄
Then I'm coming over, leaving the Ciutat Esportiva now

Cata 👸🏻❤️

I automatically smiled when I put down my phone and quickly raced around my tiny flat to make sure everything looked more or less presentable - I was a sucker for clean homes and Ferran thankfully was too. I debated on putting on something... nice, but I doubt that he was in a big mood for sex right now, and even if we'd end up having some, my underwear was going to be the last thing on his mind.

Finally, I heard the downstairs bell and I quickly opened up without even answering. I waited in my doorframe and opened my arms when Ferran walked out of the lift. He immediately fell into my embrace and held me tightly, burying his head on my shoulder.
"I'm here" I whispered as I softly scratched the back of his head.
"I know" he whispered back before kissing my neck.

We loosened the embrace and went inside before I closed the flat's door behind me.
"Water?" I asked, but already knew the answer so I walked to the kitchen sink.
"Yes please" he replied and followed me. I handed him a full glass and he took it, giving me a smile and kissing my lips.
"Thanks. For everything" he said quietly before he drank.
"It's not like I cooked you a five-course meal and prepared a big soirée for you" I chuckled.
"No. Just being there for me is more than I could ever ask for" he said and looked at me with a face that I couldn't quite decipher. It's normal to be there for each other in a relationship, is it not?!

"Can I stay over? I don't want to be alone tonight..." he asked and I didn't know why he was being so shy about our relationship now.
"Of course, you don't even have to ask, Ferri" I sighed and closed the distance between us to give him a big, big hug - I felt like he needed that right now. We softly swayed forth and back in our embrace until he loosened it to kiss me again.
"I love you so much" he whispered against my lips.
"And I love you" I replied and caressed his cheek.

We went to the bathroom and got ready for the night, as I tried to crack some small jokes to make him smile a bit and forget about the match. He went to bed first and I peed one last time before joining him too.
"You really need a bed" he huffed as he shifted around on my mattress.
"Yeah, I know... I think I've saved enough to buy one next month" I sighed.
"Or..." he started but shut his mouth again, and I raised my eyebrow.

"Or?" I asked and crossed my arms in front of my chest.
"Or... you could move in with me" he mumbled quietly and I sat up a bit, leaning onto my elbow.
"Are you serious?" I asked incredulously.
"Forget it, I-" he started, but I cut him off.
"Are you serious, or not?" I asked again.
"Yeah, it was a suggestion, I mean, we already spend almost all of our evenings together and it pains me to see you here in this hole with barely any daylight for which you spend more than half your pay and... I want to have you close, I need you" he said quietly while looking at the ceiling.

I bent over to kiss him and he turned his head to me.
"Sorry, maybe it was too early to-" he mumbled.
"Yes" I replied and grinned.
"Yes... what?" he asked surprisedly.
"You asked me to move in with you, or not?" I replied and his eyes widened.
"You're saying yes?" he asked excitedly.
"Yes!" I said and laughed.
"Oh my gosh! YES!" he exclaimed. "I have to text the bros!" he added, not able to contain his excitement.

He took his phone and cuddled himself next to me as he showed his screen to me.

Muscle Bros 💪🏼🏋🏻🤖
Eric 🧦, Pedri 🖕🏼, Me

"Muscle Bros? Really?" I asked when I saw the group chat name. "And why does Eric have socks in his contact name?" I added.
"Have you seen us? We are machines!" he chuckled and flexed his rock-hard biceps in front of me. Yeah, I know Ferran, you're a fucking machine, especially in bed. "Eric has socks because he always wanks off and can't find himself a girl" he explained and I raised my eyebrows.

Ferran 🤱🏻
Guess who agreed to move in with me? 🥰🥰

"Why do you have a breastfeeding mum as your emoji?!?!" I asked, now even more confused at their whole group chat.
"Because I like sucking on boobs" he chuckled and I slapped his chest lightly.
"You're disgusting" I muttered.
"Don't act like you don't like it! 'Ah, Ferri! Harder! Bite me!'" he imitated me and I slapped him again, this time a bit harder.

Pedri 🖕🏼
Did you pick up another stray dog?

Eric 🧦
Please don't say Cata, that poor girl doesn't deserve to have to wake up to your morning breath every day 🤮

I took Ferran's phone from his hands and texted back myself.

Ferran 🤱🏻
Ferran's morning breath is exquisite, especially when he eats me before going to sleep
xoxo Cata

Pedri 🖕🏼
My jaw is a hundred feet under ground

Eric 🧦
Ferran must have been Mother Teresa in his previous life to get a girl like her

"Eric is right, I must have been a Saint" he chuckled as he put away his phone.
"I'm the lucky one" I replied and laid my head on his chest as I felt him playing with strands of my hair.
"No, Cata, I am. You're everything and I'm just a guy who kicks around balls and can't even find the net 98% of the time" he mumbled and I sat up.
"Can you stop tearing yourself down? For me, you're the best, and that's what matters. And now continue doing what you did before to my hair because it's relaxing and I'll fall asleep peacefully" I said and laid back down with a smile on my face.

Never Let Go (Of Me) • Ferran TorresWhere stories live. Discover now