Chapter 51: The Third Date

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🎶 Speechless (feat. Erika Sirola) — Robin Schulz, Erika Sirola 🎶

"Whoop... Hello Lina, and hello Milo!" Sara exclaimed when she came to open her apartment door and Ferran's dog sprang on her, licking her face happily.
"Milo, sit! Sorry, he's a bit in overdrive today, I don't know why" I said and thankfully, the dog obeyed me.
"That's because he's spending time with his new sexy mami" Sara replied and wiggled with her eyebrows.
"Shut up with this nonsense and tell me what I can use as a bowl of water for him" I huffed and made my way to her kitchen.

Sara found some type of plastic bowl that we could give Milo and I also set up some of his food that he should get for dinner before me and my friend made ourselves comfortable on the couch to watch the game.
"Ferran is taking me on our third date tomorrow, he kinda hinted that something will happen..." I mumbled as I put some popcorn that she had prepared into my mouth.
"He's definitely asking you to be his girlfriend" she swooned.
"Yeah, I think so too, I mean, what else could it be? But then, who know what goes on in that guy's head" I scoffed. Men were way more complicated than women.

The game started and we were playing so badly, it was a pain to watch, honestly. Barca headed into the break 1-0 down and we both sighed. Milo had fallen asleep - probably better than watching his daddy lose.
"Come on, Ferran" I animated the TV that showed an image of him walking out of the tunnel again after the break. And there it was, ten minutes into the second half, confusion in the box and Ferran was the one who managed to shoot the ball into the net.

"YEEEEEEEESSSSSSS!!!!" Sara and I shouted in unison through the apartment, standing up from the couch and jumping around like idiots. We even woke the poor dog who just wanted to get some rest from being hyped the whole day.
"Come on, win it, guys!" Sara now shouted and swooned over the small clip they had showed of the bench celebrating, where she had immediately spotted her fiancé in the back. The minutes passed and it seemed that we would just leave the island with one point, but in the last breath, we were awarded a penalty, which Gundogan thankfully successfully converted into a goal. I'd surely sell a lot of #22 jerseys tomorrow.

"Oh thank God they won, my heart always stands still lately when they play" Sara sighed as she poured herself another glass of wine to celebrate and I joined her. We stayed up to watch the post-match analysis and interviews, which included one of Ferran.
"You need to tell him to grow out his hair again, what is this buzz cut?!" my friend asked.
"Yeah, I know... He likes it short for playing though, there's not much I can do, I've already been telling him I love the long hair more" I sighed.

"Fuck, Ferran, stand still!" I exclaimed when he swayed left and right all the time during his interview, none of his words getting into the mic but all over the place instead, which made it hard to listen to what he was saying.
"Oh, give him a break, he's probably already mentally jerking off to the image of his soon-to-be girlfriend wearing his name on a jersey tomorrow for work" Sara swooned and I hit her with a pillow. As expected, mere minutes after he was finished with his interview, my phone chimed up:

Ferri 🦈
You saw what I did? 😏

Cata ❤️
I'll wear your shirt tomorrow and later, you can take it off 😘

"Ohhhh, you're bold" Sara cackled when she read the messages over my shoulder.
"I've got to keep him on his toes" I chuckled and put away my phone again as we now started to clean up to get ready for bed. The next morning, I got to work with Milo in tow, my colleagues were already used to him coming along with me from time to time and they all adored him. If they knew that this was one of the players' dogs...

"Ohhhh, I like the Ferran shirt! He did well yesterday!" Emma greeted me and I shot her a smile.
"He's a shit player, I can't wait to sell him in summer" my other colleague Gabriel scoffed, having overheard us.
"Shut up, without him we'd have two points less" I hissed, in no mood of getting into a fight but people like him got on my nerves. He wasn't a trainer or anyone nearly qualified enough to comment on a players' performance.
"He's a joke, we need some serious strikers not guys who are only after his trainer's daughters. Xavi should lock his one up just in case" he continued and I was ready to punch him, really.

Never Let Go (Of Me) • Ferran TorresWhere stories live. Discover now