Chapter 9: Wild Fangirl

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🎶 Confident — Demi Lovato 🎶

March and April had passed without any big happenings, except for some modeling gigs here and there. I had tried to reach out to my parents again at Easter, but my father was away with his new girlfriend and my mother hadn't even bothered answering my call. So my brother Miguel had decided to come down for a few days and we had a good time, unfortunately way too short. He was finishing his thesis and was under immense stress with working two jobs next to that to make it to the end of the month.

At the beginning of May, I shot my biggest campaign ever, in terms of reach and also... financially. I was cast to be a part of Calzedonia's summer campaign and my body in a very small bikini had been plastered all across the streets and walls of Barcelona. Which wasn't what you would really want - all types of people staring at your very little covered body, but that was part of the business, I guess.

 Which wasn't what you would really want - all types of people staring at your very little covered body, but that was part of the business, I guess

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📍 Costa Blanca, España
Tagged: fifthmodels, calzedonia
lina_ferrero Calzedonia S/S23 🍑🧡

sara12233 Mi mejorrrrrr 🥵
Replying to ericgm3:
bananaguy2 Omg it's really her!!
user1 Girl reply to my DM 👅

It was May 14th today, and Dan had gotten his girlfriend and me tickets to Barca's away game against Espanyol as they could secure the league title with a win today. And since Espanyol was sitting at the bottom of the table and Barca at the top, a win was expected, but still, Dan had been overly cautious and superstitious, for good reasons. It would be his first league title since starting to work with the team back in 2020 and he was extremely nervous. He had stayed at the training center until 3am last night, to check every boot, every sock, every shirt at least ten times. And Sara knew that, so she wanted to be a supportive girlfriend. And as her best friend, I wanted to be there for her and Dan after everything they had done for me.

And so I had put on the jersey he had given me, an old one from this season that wasn't going to be used anymore - he had found it particularly funny to give me one with Ferran's name and number on it - but at this point, I didn't care. I had last seen/heard from him months ago and that topic was closed for me. I had even gone out on some dates with a photographer I had met at a shoot and we were getting along well. Sara and I took our seats in the away fan's section of Espanyol's stadium - they were good tickets, but the downside was that our two ones were at the edge of the section, meaning that we had home fans basically right behind the railing.

I had gotten a bit of a hang into this football thing and checked the line-up, my subconscious immediately looking for Ferran, who was benched. The game went exactly how we wanted it to go, Barca up by 0-3 at half-time and it only got better when Kounde shot a fourth goal straight after the break. Espanyol managed to shoot two back, but it wasn't enough. Barca were League winners when the referee blew the final whistle. Sara and I fell around each others necks and we started cheering and clapping for the team, who was trying to be respectful on their enemies' ground. We downed our third beers and giggled uncontrollably, especially Sara was so high on that winning feeling, she easily could have been one of the players with how happy she was.

"Oi! You two whores!" a guy from the Espanyol stand next to us shouted and I turned around angrily. I looked at the guy, a fat maybe 30/40 year old with an Espanyol jersey three sizes too small for him and a beer in his hand. His friends behind him were encouraging him when they saw that they had gotten a reaction out of me.
"What?" I shouted back and they all howled.
"Your imaginary boyfriend didn't even play today!" he howled and I rolled my eyes, gosh, how childish could grown men be?
"Leave them, they're not worth it" my best friend told me and I nodded, knowing she was right.

I tried my best to ignore them, but they just kept throwing nasty comments at me.
"I bet you would hop into Ferran's bed so easily" he shouted again and that's where I lost it. I jumped over the railing and threw myself at this guy, starting to punch him with the little girly strength I had, until I was pulled away from him again, the guy howling on the ground in pain, acting like I had stabbed him. Seriously, I had given him a few punches that weren't even hard, I didn't have that many muscles.

"Miss, you will come with us" I heard a male voice as I was picked up by two men and turned around to see that I was being escorted away by police.
"Let me down! What are you doing! Am I arrested?! SARA!" I shouted and saw my best friend trying to reach me, but she was being held up by police too as now Barca fans and Espanyol ones were at each other's throats, starting a big fight. I tried wiggling myself free and kicking around with my feet, but it was of no use, I was dragged outside and sat into a police van, where they shut the doors behind me. They hadn't taken away my phone thankfully, so I texted Sara, not really knowing what would be happing with me now though. Gosh, how did I get myself into this.

With time, a few other fans were also brought inside the van, and they seemed to be more experienced in this. They told me that this "always happened", it was "nothing serious", we would "just be taken down to the police station and released to be picked up" and I was close to losing it. Thank God my parents weren't interested in me anymore, or I would have been grounded.

And indeed, it wasn't as bad as they other ultras said. We were taken down to the station and our names were registered.
"You have no criminal record at all, Miss, what did you get yourself into, tonight..." the officer taking my data sighed.
"Nothing! This guy was harassing me and I lost it! Have you seen him?! He was four times larger than me, and I punched him so lightly, he won't even have a bruise tomorrow!" I defended myself.
"So you admit to punching him?" the officer asked back and I was kind of exasperated by now. "Ok Miss, listen, we will just set a note in our system with your name, if something like this won't occur anymore, you're all good" he added and I nodded.
"Can I call someone to pick me up now?" I asked.
"Your friend is already here" he replied and I stood up, waiting for him to give me a sign that I was allowed to go, at which he just nodded.

Faster than lightning, I swung the office door open and ran to the exit, where I already saw Sara arguing with the policeman sat at the entrance counter.
"Oh! There you are!" she panted and threw her arms around me.
"I'm all good, nothing happened. Bloody idiots they are. The police and the Espanyol fans" I groaned.
"Well, the evening isn't over. Dan called me and said we should come along to their celebrations..." she told me.
"If there's free alcohol, we can go. I sure as hell need it after all this" I replied and she smiled brightly.
"Great!" she said, clapping her hands and slinging her arm around me as we walked to the nearest metro station.

Never Let Go (Of Me) • Ferran TorresWhere stories live. Discover now