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After a long kept secret is revealed, Zatz and Maya are reunited with their families.

Chaska, La Muerte and Xibalba were visiting Zatz and Maya, Dawn and Dusk playing in the other room. Everyone was laughing at a story Maya told regarding her parents and the twins. 

"It's like she doesn't know anger with Dawn and Dusk." Maya smiled. 

"Well, how can you be mad at their innocent faces?" Chaska asked.

"It is hard to." Zatz said.

"Your parents are very close to Dawn and Dusk." La Muerte said. 

Maya’s smile fell slightly, "I just wish my mother could meet them. They'd love each other."

"There's no doubt she would, Maya."

"My parents would love them, too." Zatz said, "I tell Dawn and Dusk stories about them all the time, but, you know, it would be great to introduce them. To show them how far we've come."

Maya leaned on Zatz’s shoulder as he held her, sad smiles on both their faces.

"Well, actually-" 

"Xibalba!" La Muerte hissed.

"What? They have a right to know."

"A right to know what?" Maya asked.

Xibalba looked at La Muerte who was glaring at him to not say anything. Regardless, he said, "There is a secret realm called the Land of Fallen Gods. Think of it as a Land of the Dead for gods." La Muerte sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Oh, please." Chaska said, "You don't think that place actually exists, do you? Everyone knows the Land of Fallen Gods isn't real."

"Actually, Chaska…" La Muerte said, looking down.

Chaska stared at La Muerte, her brows scrunched up, "It isn't real. I-If it was, you would've said something, right?"

"Well… it may have slipped our minds." Xibalba said.

Zatz, Maya and Chaska exchanged looks of shock, confusion and anger. 

"This… This whole time you knew the realm existed, and you didn't tell us?" Chaska asked.

"The ancient rules forbade us from saying anything." Xibalba said, "We couldn't trust anyone with this information."

"Oh, that's a convenient excuse." Maya said bitterly, "Don't you trust us at all?"

"We do trust you." La Muerte said, "It's just that-"

"You knew how hurt we were by the loss of Camazotz, Micte, Cipactli, everyone!" Chaska snapped, "We thought they were gone forever, and you knew where they were!"

"We just wanted to see our family again." Zatz said, "And you didn't think to tell us."

"We wanted to tell you, we really did." La Muerte said, sadly.

"So, why did you wait centuries to tell us?" Maya asked.

"I always knew you missed your parents, but I knew I shouldn't say anything." Xibalba explained, "But, I must admit, when you said you wanted your kids to meet their grandparents, I… wanted to help."

"Thank you very much!" Chaska said, "You've been watching us grieve and suffer for so long, while you had access to-"

"It's not like that!" La Muerte shot back. 

"Oh, really? What is it, then? Is there something in the realm you don't want us to know about? If any of them are in trouble, we'd want to know!"

"We've never seen it!"

Days And Nights (Book of Life and Maya and the Three One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now