Chp 1

613 8 18

Do you get deja vu huh?
Beyoncé's POV
4 years later
Dallas TX

It's been a few days since I got out of jail. These past years has been nothing but hell but I guess I deserve it but I did not deserve that. Although jail has really helped I got baptized, better therapy, more classes etc. Kelly has been a tremendous help, she took in the kids, helped T, let me move in, got me a new job, and got people to clean up that house without leaving a trace.

We haven't spoke much but we're still adjusting to everything. The kids have gotten so big it's insane, the twins are 6, rain is 10, rumi is 11 and blue is 15. Whew these kids is too grown! They were just little babies it's so heartbreaking. But I hate to say me not being there for 4 years have definitely impacted my kids.

The twins bad as ever, rain hardly talks anymore, rumi attitude is worse than mine, and blue is just hell! She got her lil belly pierced and now she think she grown, also I think she gay but who am I to assume. Anyways it's my first day back in a business environment thanks to Kelly.

"Everything is handled?"

"It's like nothing happened"

"Thanks Kelly you're a lifesaver"

"No need to thank me you know I'm riding til the wheels fall off"

"And even after that" she nodded her.

We did our little handshake and strutted into those doors, I took a look at all the new trainees and then at my list of picked out names. After a long presentation it was time for us to gather our trainees and go our separate ways, Kelly went first then me.

"Alright if I call your name you will be one of my trainees and a little heads up I get sh*t done and will not baby you if you want that sentimental sh*t go to Ms. Rowland" Kelly smirked at me I did the same. "Normani Hamilton, Coi Collins, Solange Knowles, and Lauren London"

I was so happy solo was here and I could boss her around for money. As I looked at the girls some seemed work ready others seemed like dead weight but it was this one particular girl who caught my eye. Lauren London. It's so weird she kinda reminds me of her, from her height, dimples, demeanor, h*ll she even looked like her a little.

It's so unsettling but I got a job to do. The girls found their desk and solo made sure to sit away from my office knowing d*mn she gon be in there most of the time but weirdly London sat at the desk right infront of my office, I brushed it off tho. I gave London her first task but I noticed she wasn't listening and instead dipping her eyes below my waist.

I cleared my throat. "London I have a business to run and if you can't get out of lala land then you can go back to high school where they let you color and take naps all day" I walked into my office I don't care if she know what to do or not she should've been paying attention instead of eye f*cking me.

She followed me into my office. "Excuse me?? You don't know me ok you think you top dog around here cus everyone else scared of you but I'm not and I get sh*t done too so how bout you go back high school" she got all up in my face like I didn't just get out of jail for killing my wife.

I chuckled trying not to go back to jail for strangling another 5 foot nothing woman. "You know what you right I don't you and you certainly don't me so I suggest you go out there and do your job"

"Listen ian like these other girls you think you can scare with empty threats I'm from New York baby and I can be a H.A if I wanted to" realistically she can't because this is her first day here but sure.

"Well show me something then" I got in her face turning my head sideways.

"Bet" she walked out my office to hopefully do some work.

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