Chp 28

127 3 7

All our memories, all you meant to me all,
that history, all that's history. I'll calm down eventually.

I woke up in my car, I nearly swerved but managed to get back on the road. What the h*ll is happening, and did I really fall asleep behind the wheel? I needa get home! I drove in that direction and luckily I wasn't that far. When I opened the door I sat my stuff down and heard low moans.

"The f*ck"

I walked closer towards my room and opened it, it was her and that girl Kelly knows. She was on top of her but quickly jumped off, I stood there silently looking at her, did I?...

"Bey.." she stood there fiddling with her fingers.

"Mm" my eyes left hers.

"Bey I-"

Before she could finish I shot that girl she was f*cking point blank then grabbed her by her arm walking downstairs.

"Beyy nooo please I'm sorry"

"Shut up"

I led us both to the guest room and sat down, tears began falling down her face as she stood in front of me.

"I'm so sorry please don't hurt me"

"Onika sit down"

"Please bey it was just a mistake"

"I wanna talk Onika"


I pulled her by her waist she flinched a little but I ignored it hugging her, I let my tears fall freely. Im sure she's confused as h*ll right now but I rather we talk then I relive those painful years again.

"Im sorry bey" she hugged me back.

"I-it's fine but we have a lot of problems we needa work out"

"Yea" she fell to her knees in front of me, looking at me with watery eyes.

"Come here"

I got on the floor with her and wiped her tears away.

"Just tell me what happened"

"I- I was mad at you a-and I started talking to her and then we had sex. But I'm sorry Bey I don't wanna be with her I wanna be with you"

"Why were you mad at me"

"I don't know I felt like you were going back to your old ways"

"Im not I just have my moments but I wanna be better for you and our kids"

"I know" she sniffled. "Are you gonna leave me"

"No but I do want a break and maybe couples therapy"

"I can do that" she laid her head on me.

"I love you so much" I kissed her head.

"I love you too" she hugged me tighter.

Few hours later

Me and Onika talked and cried some more. It was hard but we needed it. She took a shower while I cleaned up Kelly's b*tch a** friend. She shouldn't have any other friends other than me..and Mimi and Toya but that's it! I should also call them since they're not..dead?

Once I was done I cleaned myself up as well and then climbed in the bed waiting for her. She came back in the guest room with our favorite ice cream and sum baked cookies. I grabbed the food while she climbed in bed next to me.

"What else do you think we need to talk about"

"What if we talked about our..childhood"

"Alright you wanna go first"

"K. Um when I was growing up in Trinidad everything seemed perfect, my family was happy and nice to me then we came out here and things got h*lla complicated. My father became a drunk, my mom divorced my father and got with this horrible guy, and my brother left so it was just me watching over everybody.

When I got into high school I met this girl..and I thought she was the greatest thing walking. I thought we were inlove but she had me taking drugs with her and hitting licks, I mean I loved the thrill of it all and being in her arms but I knew it was wrong, I only did it to make her like me more. Eventually tho I tried to break up with her but she wouldn't let me she would get really mad and hit me.

This one time in college she drugged me and I had a really really bad seizure, after that my parents had to fly down and they were pissed. I told her I couldn't see her anymore after that and she was beyond angry. We got into the worst fight that night and s-she.." tears started running down her face.

"Its ok" I wiped them cuffing her face.

"She let them rape me an-and I got pregnant my mom was soo mad. She didn't even listen to me, then after I had the baby my stepfather raped me too b-but nobody believed me so he kept doing it and she never left him" she cried.

"I'm so sorry baby" I pulled her back towards my body wrapping my arms around her.

"Now she thinks of me as a slut and a whore"

"You're not a whore or a slut" I held her tighter.

We sat for a few mins until she calmed down enough.

"What about you"


The End.

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