Chp 3

198 5 7

Inhale and exhale my breath until the deed is done.
Beyoncé's POV
The following morning



She crawled away I grabbed her foot and kicked me in my face. I sent blows straight to her face and blood started leaking everywhere. I dragged her by her hair and picked her up dangling her over the rail.

"Bey please please please nooo"

"Didn't I tell you to shut tf up" I choked her.

"G-Giselle" she struggled to breathe.

I chuckled. "Oh baby Giselle is long gone"

Right when her eyes started to close Kelly captain save a hoe a** came in to take the kids. Surprisingly she didn't stop me I guess she already knew Onika's fate.

"H-help please"

"Hey sorry, Onika I really tried to warn you but um it was nice knowing you"

Onika cried harder and Kelly left with the kids.

"You really f*cked that b*tch with my kids in this house"

"Bey please I'm sorry"

"Onika it's gon take a lot more than for you to be sorry"

"I'm pregnant please"

I chuckled this dumb b*tch.

"I haven't touched you in months"

"Bey please no no" she saw my pocketknife I pulled it out and stabbed her repeatedly.

I watched her blood pour out and threw her over the rail.

I jumped up and immediately started crying, I'm so sick of having this same nightmare every night. I forgot blue was in here so I accidentally woke her up too.

"Ouch mama why are you jumping up like that"

I quickly wiped my tears. "Oh sorry"

"You ok?"

"Yea yea I'm fine" I got up and went straight the bathroom while blue slept for another 20 mins.

I usually get half dressed, the kids stuff ready, and breakfast going before I wake the girls up and once they're mostly ready I get the twins ready. I dread that part of the morning, it's always a fight with them.

Anyways I brushed my teeth and said a silent prayer hoping today would be a good one, for the past four years my life has been nothing but hell. I believe God is still punishing me for everything I've done which is fair I guess. After I was done brushing my teeth and praying I put my skin care stuff on my face and as I went down to rinse it off I looked back up and seen her.

I jumped back with tears already falling. She looked horrible! I mean what do I expect she was burned and beat to death. She had bruises all around her neck, swollen eye, bloody mouth, and her face was melting. She stood there with her mouth open as if she was screaming but no noise came out. She just stared at me.

I finally opened my mouth to scream and inched towards the door, blue opened the door making me scream again.

"What mama?"

"You don't f*cking see her??"

"See who?"

"Oh my f*cking God" you could hear my shakey breathing.

"Mama what's happening why are you scared"

I pushed both of us out of the bathroom and closed the door, blue still held a confused expression. If she was one of the other kids I would've told her don't worry about it but blue is grown as h*ll and if something was to happen I wouldn't want her to be in the dark about anything.

"When I was washing my face I looked up and I saw her"


"Yes she was just standing there like screaming with a messed up face"

"Oh sh*t. This some scary movie stuff" I ignored her cussing.


"Are we going to have to get a oujiboard and cast her evil spirit back to hell??"

"We aren't going to do nothing"

"Wha- whyyyy mom! We have an opportunity to be ghost busters don't you want to spend mother and daughter time catching ghost"

"No blue now go get ready for school since you're up"


Later on at work

I was doing some paperwork and someone knocked on my door, I got up hoping it wasn't London. I opened it and screamed it was her again!

"Beyonce what the h*ll"

"Oh it's you"

"Who else would it be and why the h*ll are you screaming" Kelly walked into my office sitting down.

"I don't know Kelly I think I'm losing my mind"

"Yea you're all coped up in this office"

"Where else am I supposed to be"

"I'm just saying bey you have no life outside of work and your kids. We need to go out!"

"I don't know Kelly it's been years since"

"Stop dwelling on the past bey you have to forgive yourself or you're going to drive yourself crazy"

"Yea you're right"

"If it makes you feel a little better we can take the kids somewhere"

"Yea that sounds good"

"Ouu we can take them to that fair this weekend"

"Yesss" I love that fair, me and my girls use to go to the fair every weekend and afterwards we would go to the mall and talk to boys.

Once kelly left out I got a FaceTime call from bluey.

"Hey baby girl"

"Heyy what are you doing"


"Type sh*t"



"Aren't you in school? How are you calling me"

"I needed a lil break. Are you ok now?"

"Yea thanks for checking on me are you ok"

"A little overwhelmed but I'm fine now"

"Just breathe baby" after a while I noticed my kids inherited some of my conditions.


"Oh before I forget. Me you kelly and all the kids are going to the fair this weekend"

"Really?! I can ge- never mind but I can't wait"

"Yea me too but go back to class before them people call me"

"K love you"

"Love you too baby"

I hung up. Talking to my kids always make me feel better.

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