Chp 6

199 10 5

Unknown woman wander the hallways at night
Beyoncé's POV
Houston TX

Well we're in h town.. usually I would be happy to be back in my hometown but let's recap everything that happened in Houston. Rain got kidnapped, she got kidnapped, she killed her mom, I killed my father, khalil hung himself, kalani got hit by a car, kalani shot up a wedding, T got abused, I got cheated on, I killed kehlani and killed her, burned the house down, and went to jail. Sweet home Texas.

We were driving to the house and a sexy red song started playing. Tears started running down immediately, everyone have their own narrative about me and paint me as a monster but I truly loved her and she knew it. Meanwhile everyone else in the car started turning up,I laughed at them. It's such a bittersweet feeling.


"Or what about that one with sexyy red"

"Sexyy red??"


"ain't l-lyinggg" rain finished off. I looked back at her.

"Uh uhn don't sing those hood rat songs baby"


"Uh uhn"

"Beyyy! Or what about her new song 'GO MEG GO MEG" she got up out ha seatbelt and started twerking in the seat.

"Onika!" I hit ha upside the head. "You about to get up out ma car"

"Mmch you was supposed to say 'get em glo" she pouted getting back in the seat. I just turned on 'garden' cus Raina ain't say which song and if nika start singing another song she gon be walking.

Flashback over


"Alright blue"

We pulled up to the old house and I felt chills run down my spine stepping back into this house. It surprisingly looked really good for house two people died in. Me and bluey went back to the car to get the rest of our stuff and some of our white neighbors ran up to us with dry muffins.

"HII are you guys the new neighbors?!"

Me and Blue looked at each other "Yea.."

"Welcome to the neighborhood it's great to have you all here"

"Great to be have" I smirked at Blue's comment.

"Which house are you guys staying in"

We both looked at the house we're standing in front of.

"Um this one"

"Oh dear!"


"Well there's a little myth going on about this house. Old neighbors say a horrible woman trapped her wife and all their kids in the house and brutally burned them to death. My girl friend Brenda says the woman was terrify and beat her poor wife."

"I wouldn't stay in there it's nice now but it use to look horrible! Legend has it the bodies are under the floor board and the wife haunts the house" her husband chipped in.

Me and blue looked at each other with the same expression.

"Well I guess we better get the holy oil.."

"Are you guys going to be fine you can always come over"

"Nope we'll be ok thanks"

"Alright bye now. Call me and tell me how the muffins are" they finally walked away.

"What are we going to do"

"Well you wanted to bust ghost so don't chicken out on me now"

"What I'm not chickening out"

We both laughed and walked in, our laughs were stopped when the chandelier attempted to drop but didn't. This is going to be a longgggggg trip. The kids got settled in their old rooms and my girls went to the guest rooms while I had to go back to my old room. I gulped entering the room. The last time I was in here was..

Before she can adjust herself in any way I hopped on and threw my head back at the feel of her warm wetness on mine.

I started grinding on her and even went as far as spelling my name. She felt so good on me and she grabbed my a** making me moan even louder. I was ready to cream all over her until the door swung open and it was bey.

I saw the hurt look on her face and even a tear roll down. I don't know what I could really say to fix all of this but I tried to walk towards her to maybe hug her? I don't know but she stepped back. I'm really scared she hasn't said a thing but more tears are falling.


"I knew it" she said lowly.

Flashback over

I felt a presence so I turned around, luckily it was just Kelly. She came over to hug me, I melted in her arms.

"I'll sleep in here with you"

"Thank you, I'm really happy you're here I wouldn't be able to do it without you"

"And me!" Blue joined the hug making me smile.

"Let's get settled in shall we"

And we did just that, I unpacked my clothes and then went to check on the little ones. Rumi was fine but rain kept looking at me and her old room. She didn't go in it but she looked at it. I went to the twins room and they didn't unpack anything they were just standing in the middle of the room looking around.

"You two ok"

"I remember something.."

"What do you remember gigi" I sat on her bed pulling her on my lap but she didn't sit.

"I don't know but it's something"

"Well it's probably nothing just unpack" I got up to walk out the room before she start asking questions.



"What happened to mommy"


"Last time I saw her we were here and I heard screaming then auntie Kelly came"

I stood there speechless.

"Then we didn't see her again except for at the carnival but she seemed different"

Before I could say anything I heard whispering I don't know from who but next thing I know Amir manically screamed. It wasn't a scared scream it was like a piercing shriek. Me and gigi both jumped, Amir looked pale and his eyes were red and dark brown.


"WHAT NO" I picked up gigi and inched toward the door.

"TELL THEM TELL THEM TELL THEM TELL THEM" he inched closer and closer to us.

He started screaming again and Kelly busted through the door pulling me and gigi out. I closed the door behind us and waited for whatever that was to be over. If this was anyone else I would kicked tf outta them but this was my baby boy.

"Tf what that??"

"I don't know"

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