Chp 15

108 4 8

How did you get use to the haunting?


"Bey this isn't your first date ever just wear something cute"

"NO SHES GOING TO FIND OUT IM WEIRD AND THEN LEAVE ME" I balled up on the floor crying.

"Bey you're not weird you're a very very sweet girl I'm sure she'll like you for you"

"What if she don't"

"Then it's her loss"

I sniffled wiping my face.

"Here come on I'll help you" Kelly grabbed my hands pulling me up.

She wiped my tears and went into my closet.

"Here this is cute"

"Alright" I changed infront her cus I been knowing this girl before I even had boobs so this is nothing.

"There you look cute!"

"Yea thanks" I smiled. This is why she's my bestie!

 This is why she's my bestie!

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"So where yall going"

"To a park to have a picnic and paint"


"Yea it should be fun" I smiled.

"Well let's do your hair and makeup then you can go get her"

"I was gon meet her there"

"No you gotta pick her so you can buy her flowers and open her door you know be a gentlewoman"

"Oh alright what color flowers"


"She like pink flowers" I put my head down.

"Don't worry about her bey that's in the past don't let her control you"


I miss her so much.

After Kelly did my makeup I went to get the flowers and now I'm at her house! I been sitting in her drive way trying to come up with a smooth line for her but nothing!

I decided to just go up to her and wing it. I knocked on her door waiting for her open and when she did she looked so beautiful she wore a light pink dress and her hair down.

I was so shocked I took a step back and accidentally tricked on the stairs. Ughhh! I'm so stupid!!! And embarrassing. She chuckled a bit helping me up.

Well there goes my smooth pick up line...

"Woah are you ok"

"Yea I- um sorry this is so embarrassing I'm so clumsy and awkward and weird oh great now I'm rambling because I'm nervous I should really just shut up but I can't and it's making it worse-"

HAUNTED | beynika Where stories live. Discover now