Chp 25

80 2 5

Did she blend your reflection?
Blue's POV

This week has been hell! Literally!! My mom been super weird I can't put my finger on what it is but she's meaner, cold, vague, and dark.. like her face but honestly that could be because of her horrible sleeping patterns. But beside her appearance it's just a dark energy that I feels when she walks by and not to mention how rude she is nowadays.

The older day she got into an argument with mailman! And today I can already hear her yelling and auntie Kelly, I groaned making my way to my sibling rooms. It's starting to seem like they're my d*mn kids! I went to rumi and rain room first since they're the easiest.

"Get up we're going to get food and groceries"

"K" they both said.

I sleepily walked towards the twins room, I took a deep breath in before opening their door. Lord knows how this can go, but let's do it.

"Twins get up we're going to the store"



"Go away blue!"

"Don't you guys wanna eat please get up"



Guess I have to drag them out! I dragged Amir by his leg out the bed while I just picked gigi up, she's nice to me so! Of course Amir tried climbing back in the bed this time I grabbed him by his shirt and pushed him to the bathroom. He fell but he'll be ok.

"Owwww!" He started crying.

Guess not.. I flipped him over to examine his knee. He did scuff it up a little bit, whoops.

"Lemme see"

"NOO GO AWAYY" he kept pushing me away.

"Amir I'm sorry lemme help you!"

"NO!" He got up and ran away.

Can't hurt that bad then. I rolled my eyes going to chase him, he went in rain and rumi room.

"Amir get out!" I could hear rumi yelling before I entered.

"What happened" rain rubbed his back.

"Blue pushed me!" They both glared at me.


"It's ok we can just put a bandaid over it"

"I got the bandaid and wipe"

"NO! I don't want you to touch me"

"Mmch why I have the stuff"

"You're going to make it worse"

"Ok I'll do it" rain grabbed the stuff from me.

I rolled my eyes as she wiped his knee then placed a bandaid on it.

"There all better"

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