Chp 20

87 3 9

We truly could've been. Living.


We ran down the hall not caring who we bumped. I heard my mom's heels clicking fast letting us know she's close. The closest thing was the girls bathroom.

"In here!"

We ran in closing the door.

"Ewww I can't be in here I'm a boy"

"Would you rather be in the girls bathroom or in hell because mom killed us!"

"Hell? You think I'm going to hell!?"

"Jesus ain't gon let you in!" Rumi added.

"Let's just dry you off" my mom opened the door.

The twins hid behind the wall while me, rumi, and rain were stuck hiding behind the door.

"You know this is the second time this happened today" case was faking crying.

I rolled my eyes. Girl it's just a lil water lord knows the last time she touched some.

"Really? I'm sorry I think I know who did it"

"What?? What stupid lil monster would do such a thing"

My mom gave her a look through the mirror.

Gigi signaled us over. We all hid in the stall and thank God it was the big one cus we wouldn't be able to fit.

"Get on the toilet" I whispered to them.

"There's not enough room"

I picked Amir up and stood on the toliet while Rumi picked up gigi and rain stood on the other side.

"Lemme call them"

My eyes nearly popped outta my head when my phone started ringing I quickly silenced it and almost dropped it in the toilet.

"Your life almost went down the drain literally"

I death stared Amir.

"We need to get outta here"

I nodded.

"Well lemme the restroom while we in here"

Thank God for my mom's weak bladder! Once she went in the stall we ran out.

"Whew that was too close!"

Few days later

The kids are all punished! I should've know it was their home alone a** pranking Zen on the cruise. We can't ever have a nice trip!

So I got them cleaning this house top to bottom and no phone, iPad, ps4, computer, tv, friends, pool NONE OF THAT! H*ll I don't even want them to smile.

What if they wouldnve pushed her to her limit and then she left!? They don't think about no one else but themselves, they probably don't even have a real reason for not liking her. They don't even know her!

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