Chp 27

83 4 5

All our memories, all you meant to me all,
that history, all that's history. I'll calm down eventually.
September 3rd 7:35 pm

Well the summer came and went, things started to die down once I got baptized. Which led me to getting my kids baptized as well. I'm also in better therapy with Maya she's been a really big help, now I can manage my feelings a little better without downing pills! So that's really good.

Today me and the kids are packing to leave tomorrow so we're celebrating my birthday tonight! It'll be a small thing considering all my friends are dead because of me...but hey! It's an opportunity for me to bond with my sister and mother I guess. Long as my kids are there I'm sure it won't be boring.

Speaking of, my kids are supposed to be planning it so let's hope for the best I guess. Blue and rumi came knocking my door down like some cute little maniacs.

"Mama sit"

"Alright" I sat in nika's old vanity set.

"Mom I'm going to pick out your outfit ok" blue said from my closet.


"Ima put your hair in half up half down because It makes you look pretty"

"Oh thank you"

Rumi pulled my bed bench over and stood on it for height, then she grabbed the comb and started brushing through my hair. She turned the comb over using the pointy part to part my hair into two sections. She put a bunch of hair gel on her hands rubbing them together and then on my head, she finally placed the front half of my hair in a ponytail then gave me some edges to top it off.

"Blue should we curl her hair"

"Hold on lemme see" she peeked her head out the closet. "Oh yea I'll help"

"Ok where's the curling iron"

"In that bottom drawer"


"Mama you're going to wear this dress with your cute heels that you won't let me wear"

"Blue where are you going that you need to wear heels"


"We'll see"

"Yes! Here put this on real quick" she tossed me a dress.

"Do you think it'll be too much"

"Girl it's your birthday nothing is too much!"


I grabbed my under clothes right before slipping the dress on and it fit me like a glove! Hugging me in all the right places.

"Prettyy" rumi smiled.

"Now sit"

I sat down and they both curled my hair.

"Can I do your makeup"

"No I think I got that"


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