Chp 5

179 5 8

What goes up, ghost around.
Beyoncé's POV
That same night

"Mom um rain left"


"She went with her mom into the maze"

F*ck. I could already feel tears running down my face. Why can't things ever go right.

"Ok calm down we have to think strategically and not with emotions" blue stood in front of me.

"You're right"

"This is just like the scene in It where the kid was drawn into the maze so he could kill the kid"


"I don't think she'll kill her own kids but I do think she wants her kids with her.."

"What does that mean??"

"Mama..she wants her kids" she gave me a serious look.

"Let's go" I'm letting blue lead us but with me by her side because she seems like she knows what she talking about but she's still a child. My child.

Mimi and Toya took all the kids to the car while me, Kelly, and blue went towards the maze.

We ran inside and it wasn't no ordinary maze. There was a tunnel that spins so we carefully walked through it, then there was 6 clown pins swinging side to side. I would hate to get my a** knocked out by one of them but we have to get my baby so we carefully ran through not getting hit.

The colorful lights and creepy carnival music played giving me an unsettling feeling. We walked through the curtain and there was the mirror maze with flickering lights. That's safe. As we walk through more noise of creepy laughing filled the room, I grabbed blue hand keeping her close. We walked more and I saw rain I called her name running to her but I hit the glass.

I banged on the window but she kept walking so we went around trying to get to her and out the corner of my eye I saw a shadow run by. I kept calling rain name and I saw her again I tried running towards her but hit another mirror. I hit the f*ck out my face but luckily it was loud enough for her to hear.

"Rain I need you to find your way here"

"But I lost her"


"I lost mommy she's gone she's gone!" She started crying making my heart break.

The kids never really grasped the fact that she wasn't here anymore but I guess now rain is. Over her cries I heard panting like aggressive angry panting. I looked above her and there she was with blood on her face and a evil grin. She banged on the mirror that separated her and rain.

"Please no" i lowly cried.

She stared at rain and manically banged her head on the mirror making all of us scream and blue hide behind me. She kept banging her head and I kept kicking the glass praying it would break before hers but unfortunately cracks started forming in hers making her slam her head much harder.

"ONIKA STOP TAKE ME INSTEAD" that was the first time I said her name in four years.

And finally her mirror was weak enough just one more hit and it was broken. She stopped and evilly smiled at me. We all stared at each other in silence and finally she broke the mirror sticking her head in and grabbed rain then the lights turned off. We screamed and cried while I held blue tighter than I've ever and then the lights cut on.

She wasn't there neither was rain and the mirror wasn't broken.

"What tf was that" Kelly was literally shaking and so was I.

Out of no where my phone rang and honestly I was scared to answer but I did. It was mimi.

"Bey rain is here and is crying come back"

"What tf??"

"Bey I don't know what type demonic sh*t this is but we need to go!"

"Alright I'm coming"

"She has rain"



"Oh thank God"

"We need to get out of here"

"I know the way back I dropped candy on the way here"

"Good job bluey"

We followed the trail of candy out and ran through the crowd which seemed way bigger. Blue lead us and we ran through a bunch of short cuts, behind trucks, and rides. We was running like someone was chasing us and didn't look back once! I'm glad my baby know the black memo.

We ran through some purple tent and there stood a lady in some kind of cloth with a magic ball. We stopped running when she called my name.


"Uh uhn how tf do you know my name"

"I was waiting on you"

"Oh h*ll naw bey what tf" Kelly and blue inched towards me.

"All of you sit"

We looked at each other before we sat. She started rubbing her ball and closed her eyes humming.

"You all are in great danger"

"I've could've told you that" I gave blue a warning look.

"No it is bigger than you think"

"Beyonce you have made the Gods mad"

"Oh f*ck"

"You have let out a curse over you and the one you are with tonight including the ones who aren't sitting here right now"

"So what do I have to do"

"You must make peace with the ones you have upset"

"What?? How"

"In Houston. I'm sensing a house"

"Oh no I can't go back"

"You must. Or the curse will continue and will kill all of your family and friends leaving you immortal and alone."

"What no!"

"Then you must return to Houston and face your past"

"Alright" we got about to leave.



"You leave to go to Houston Tuesday or your life will get worse"


"Good luck"


When we got home we put the little kids to sleep while me, the girls, and blue discussed everything.

"Well I guess we're going back to Houston"

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