Chp 4

168 6 16

My haunted lungs ghost in the sheets.
Beyoncé's POV
That weekend

Me and Kelly finally got up even tho this spot was so comfortable. We been watching movies and chilling with the kids to let time go pass. We didn't want to go to the fair so early cus that's lame as h*ll. We're getting up now so we can hopefully leave at 6:30 and get there 7 ish.

We got the kids ready and fed them cus I'm not buying no nasty a** food only snacks and drinks. Then there was a knock at the door I was hoping it wasn't her. I opened the door bracing myself. I screamed.

But it was a happy scream.



"Heyy bey I missed you"

"I missed you too"

"What are y'all doing here!"

"We're going to the fair with you! Kelly told us about everything and whew girl we'll get into that tomorrow but tonight we're having fun!"

"Y'all staying til tomorrow??"

"H*ll yea that flight was too long"

"Yayyy" I was jumping around like a little kid but I don't care I missed my girls.

We ended up leaving at 7 and everyone was excited especially me. I got our wrist bands and let the kids chose their first ride and hopefully these rides aren't too kiddie cus I plan on getting on some too. Meanwhile Blue and toya's oldest Naveah looked bored. I already knew what they want.

"Go on, just stay together don't do anything illegal and don't get in nobody's car and don't do drugs or-"

"Don't do anything auntie Kelly wouldn't do?"


"K byee" she hugged me and then they went off to be teenagers.

Mimi took the twins and toya's youngest amari to the kiddie stuff while the rest of us went over to the bigger rides. I'm surprised Rain, rumi, and titan can hang honestly. But we got on a bunch of rides especially since we skipped infront of a bunch of people. They were mad but f*ck them and that long a** line.

We saw this one ride where they put you in the seat and the whole thing flips over. While we were waiting for the man to start the ride Toya wild a** passed us some shots. Me and Kelly looked at each other before taking it.

"Toya I knew you would do some wild sh*t like this!"

We laughed and the ride started. Usually I wouldn't scream on a ride but I felt like I was really gon fall, we flipped over a few times and when we got off I felt all that alcohol burning my chest.

"Toya we should've never listened to yo a**"

"Oh please y'all ain't throw up or die"

"I hope we don't throw up"

After a few more rides we ran into the others and went to go play fair games. Blue showed me her henna her and Naveah just got, I took a picture they're so cute. Guess I got too mushy cus blue pushed me off of her.

"Mommm stopp you're scaring the hoes"

I shook my head laughing at her.

While Rain was beating Rumi in some water squirting game mimi came over with the little ones and she had this unsettling look. I gulped hoping it was nothing.

"Gigi tell ya mama what you told me"

"I saw mommy!"

My heart dropped.


"I saw mommy and she told me come here but auntie mimi grabbed my hand"

I looked up at mimi hoping this was all some joke.

"Bey I didn't see her but Gi nearly got hit by a car trying to 'walk to her'"

"Oh my God.. Gi where did you see her"

"We were by the food trucks getting cotton candy and I saw her behind the gate and she called my name so I walked over but then she went further across the street and told me to come here so I went but I almost got hit by a car and auntie mimi was mad"

"What did she look like baby"

"She look how she always look"

"Did she look a little..scary?"

"No but she was smiling weird. Can she come home with us??" I seen my baby face light up making me sad.

"No baby she can't. Wait Amir did you see her"

"See who"

"Your mom"

"No she's here?? Can we please go see her"

"No baby I'm sorry"

They just sighed and went to sit down. I pulled Kelly and Toya over to us.

"Gigi saying she saw her here"

"Oh sh*t"

"Wait isn't she dead??"

"Yes! I watched her burn to death how is she here??"

"Sh*t I don't know"

"Bey didn't you say you saw her in your bathroom"

"Yes but I thought I was losing my mind"

"Well if the kids saw her then maybe she is here"

"How?? That makes no sense"

"Are we finally ghost busting!??" Blue came over excited.


"Mama please I watch scary movies all the time I can help!"


"Wait bey she probably can help"

"Omg is this seriously happening there has to be a reasonable explanation for this"

"Mom um rain left"


"She went with her mom into the maze"


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