Chp 13

151 6 6

I don't care about the lights or the beams, spend my life in the dark for the sake of you and me.

240-317-5687: hey this is Zen from yesterday


Cute girl💕: Heyy how are you?

:I'm content. What about you?

Cute girl💕: pretty good


Cute girl💕: I kno you're friend said you were shy but I didn't think you were this shy😭

:oh sorry😭 once I get to know you I swear I'll be annoying

Cute girl💕: well let's get to know each other

: alright you should go first

Cute girl💕: ok, my name Zendaya but you can call me Zen, I'm 25 I work as a vet and I'm a Virgo

Sh*t she's like half my age..

:ok my full name is Beyonce but you can call me bey, I work as a residential architect and I'm a Virgo as well

Cute girl💕: oooo when's your birthday?

:sept 4th

Cute girl💕: aw mines the first

:oh sh*t we should do something tg

Cute girl💕: yea we can get f*cked up tg

:alright cool😭

Cute girl💕: we should hang out before that tho

Cute girl💕: can I come over your house or sum

I looked up from my phone looking at my deranged and probably autistic kids terrorize the house. Yea no she can't come over, they'll scare her off. I actually kinda like this girl.

:nah we can go somewhere else or maybe your house

Cute girl💕: alright cool Ill send you the address

I got dressed and Blue and Rumi nosy a** came in questioning me.

"Where we going" Rumi jumped on the bed.

"Yea where and with whom permission Giselle!" Blue rolled her neck at me.

"Blue I don't have to ask anyone i am grown!"

"Oh you think you grown"

"I am"

"Nuh uhn!"

"Yes huh miss rumi"

"Well where are you going"

"And with who for how long"

"Do you have your location on"

"Girl I am grown!"

"We don't care"

"Well if you must know, I'm going out with a new friend of mine"

"At 6 pm??"

"What's wrong with 6?"

"It's gon be dark soon"

"I'll be ok"

"Mhm and who is this friend of yours is she a friend friend or a friendddd"

"A regular friend?" I put my shirt over my head.

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