Chp 12

124 3 1

Here's to hoping I'll fall fast asleep tonight And I'll just need to get through this Born in the darkness, who brings the light? And I just, I need to get through this
Or just get used to it.

Kelly POV

"Hey Maya are we still on for the session today?"

"Yes! Bring your friend whenever"

"Um is it cool if we come now because I don't think I can get her to come later"

"Yea that's fine I'm here"

"Ok cool thanks again she really needs this"

"Of course Kelly"

I hung up the phone walking to me and bey's room. This room was a mess! I been trying my best to keep it clean but bey surely ain't helping. She's going through another one of her depressive episodes. She don't want to get up, do her hair, talk, eat, anything!

"Beyyyy get up" I opened the curtains and she groaned.

"Noo Kelly go away"

"Come on get up" I pulled the covers off her and dragged her out of bed.

"Kellyyyy leave me alone" she put the cover back over her head.

"Nope! I wanna go get ice cream" I knew if I said therapy she wouldn't get up.

"Can you just get it"



"No come on it'll be fun and we can get sum food too"

"No I don't want to eat" all she can keep down is ice cream everything else she throws up.

"Come on let's pick out a pretty dress"

"H*ll no!"

"H*ll yes! Look like a young lady today"

"I don't wanna"

"Too bad"

I picked out a cute lil outfit for bey and helped her do her hair. She looked so cute!

 She looked so cute!

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"You ready"

"Kelly this ain't no ice cream shop"

"Yes it is come on!"


We walked in the door of my friend Maya's office and I took a seat with bey.

"Hey maya this is bey"

"Kelly what the h*ll is this? A intervention??"

"Hello Beyonce I'm Maya Angelou a therapist, your friend Kelly here tells me you been going through a tough time"

I could feel bey death stare me.

"I'm sorry to waste your time but kelly is a liar and I am ok" she stood up trying to leave but I sat her back down.

"Bey were just trying to help"

"Kelly I don't need help!"

"Yes you do you're depressed"

"I am not"

"The bathroom?"

She turned to glare at me.

After a long few hours we finally wore bey down a little and she gave her..enough information? Either way we're on a mission to get bey a date because she needs to get out the house and make new friends, maybe even a girlfriend!

"Here's my number feel free to reach out whenever"

"Kay thanks" she hugged maya and I did the same after her.

"Can we actually go get ice cream now?"

"Yeaa!" We smiled at each other.

We went to this ice cream shop near the house, it was so cute with its pastel colors. We stood in line and this girl bumped into to bey a little I hurried up and stood in between them cus I know how bey is.

"AY BI- oh" her expression quickly changed.

"Sorry I didn't mean to"

"No no it's fine"

"Kay bye" she smiled and walked away.

"Bye" bey did a whole 360 to watch her walk away and a smile crept on her face.

"Are you..smiling?" A smile crept on my face as well.

"What no!"

"Yes you are you should talk to her!" We walked up in line and got our ice cream.

"Bey there she is go say sum!"

"Say what"

"I don't know but get ready" I pushed her over there by the girl.

"Hi I'm Kelly this is Bey, bey say hi"


"Oh hii I'm Zendaya" she put her hand out for me to shake but I gave her bey's hand.

Bey nervously laughed and shook her hand for a little too long, I pulled her arm away and smiled at the girl.

"Are you new around here I been in Houston for quite some times and haven't seen you"

"Yea I just moved here not too long ago with my friend" she pointed to a guy.

"Oh." Bey whole demeanor changed, aww. I grabbed her arm leaned on her shoulder a bit.

"Oh are you guys lesbians!?"

"No!" I quickly pushed her away.

"Awww I wanted sum lesbo friends"

"Oh! Bey is lesbian she loves girls like a lot she always have a whole bun-"

"Alright Kelly"

"I can give you her number she's a little shy"

"Alright" I gave her bey's number.

"Well I'll see you guys around, bye cutie" she waved at Bey.

I looked at bey and she smiled shyly waving back.


"Yea thanks Kelly"

"Yayyy you got a girlfriendddd"

"Kelly let's get through the first date first"

"Ouu can I set y'all date up"

"We'll see"

I might be a little happier than her right now.

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