Chp 17

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You look nothing like your mother.

I went upstairs and didn't see anything outta the ordinary so I turned around but then I heard another thud.

It was coming from my room so like the dummy I am I went inside. There was nothing. Then millions of papers suddenly fell and also blood.

I gasped stepping back until my back hit the door. I tried opening the door but the door wouldn't budge. I looked at the papers and they were all my painting of my victims. And all their blood.

Tears immediately fell down my face. I haven't looked at those painting since I painted them. And there were so many.. all the people I forced myself to forget.

They were all right here in my face. I knew I killed a lot of people but I never realized it was this many...

Oh my God I'm a murder! I've always tired to convince myself I'm not a murder I'm just divergent but the evidence is all here..

I placed my hand over my mouth as the papers and blood kept piling up. I tried jiggling the door again but nothing. I just slid down the door hoping it would stop.

"Hello mother"

I knew that evil remark from anywhere. Kalani.

"What do you want from me!!"

"I want you to suffer" she got in my face.


"YESSS" she grew bigger like she fed off my fear.

"Look at all these INNOCENT PEOPLE YOU KILLED oh and let's not forget the grand finale"

She stepped back revealing the biggest picture yet. She dramatically ripped off the sheet revealing the only victim I regret. Onika.

I sobbed like never before. I screamed and cried like I did over her dead body the night I killed her. It's like I felt my heart being stabbed continuously.

Even after years I couldn't shake her death. The whole time I spent in prison I had nightmares of that night. Just me beating and stabbing her over and over and over and over again until finally.

She was too weak to fight back.

"Pleaseee stopppp"







She ran out the door and towards the twins room. I ran after to stop her but she grabbed me slamming me into the wall. I fell on to the floor and she jumped on my ankle.

I screamed in agony. I still crawled after her trying to stop her. Once she reached the room I grabbed her feet making her fall down. She groaned kicking me in my face then got on her knees grabbing my head and slamming it in the door repeatedly.

I screamed falling flat on the floor. She pulled gigi out the bathroom by her hair causing her and I to scream. She grabbed her throat and choked her against the wall. A loud shriek left my mouth as I watched my baby dangling in the air.


She immediately dropped her turning to me.


"My kids are all I have left pleaseee I love them with everything in me kill me instead this have nothing to do with them" I sobbed.

"You never did that for me"

"Kalani I know I wasn't a good mother and I'm f*cked up but I still loved you and your brother I still visit our garden"

"Our wha-" her face filled up with emotion as she thought back on our garden.

Kalani POV

"Khalil are you up"

I heard soft snores. I groaned quietly. I tossed and turned in my bed for hours and still couldn't sleep. I looked out my window and saw mama so I decided to go out there with her.

I slowly approached her as I heard light hums.


She turned to me and opened her arms.

"I can't sl-"

"Sleep? I know"

"How did you know"

"Because you're my child and I know every emotion you're feeling. Let's take a lil walk"


She held me tightly in her arms rubbing my back as she walked. I didn't know where we were going but the cool breeze, the bright moon, and the sound of her light hums were enough to put me asleep.

As I was dozing off she sat on this bench infront of a fountain. I lifted my head up looking around.

"Where are we"

"My favorite place in the world. I come here to listen to the water and wind"

"Why" I giggled.

"Listen to the wind. For it knows the earth origin. And look to the stars for answers. They listen and will guide you"


She gently laid my head back down and rubbed my head humming again.

"And there I was tangled up in marigold.
We were listening to the reverend children singing.
Sing, sing, sing, sing.
Humming low as the garden river flows,
While the August light becomes a golden evening.
And I will lead you down that road if you lose your way.
Born to be your protector, mm.
Even though I know someday you're gonna shine on your own.
I will be your projector, mm."

Flashback over

A tear ran down her face.

"That's all I've ever wanted you to say"

"I'm sorry kalani you deserved a better mother"

She shook her head as more tears fell down. She ran over to me I jumped back a lil cus I thought she was gon finish me off but instead she hugged me.

Tears fell down my face as I embraced my first born. My heart finally slowed down, it's like I made peace with a part of me. When we pulled back from the hug she started fading.

"What's happening"

"I can finally cross over now" she smiled with tears on her face.

"I-I love you"

She came back in for more hug.

"I love you too mama" she said before finally disappearing.

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