Chp 23

101 7 21

But doors lead to trapdoors a stairway leads to nothing.
Blue POV
Same night

We all anxiously crept to the bathroom.

"Alright nika don't scare us now"


"AHHH" we all screamed while she laughed in the mirror.

"Mommy!" The twins jumped.

"Oh my gosh" rain started crying.

"Awww my babies you all gotten so big" I could see tears forming in her eyes too.

"Can you come back please we need you"

"What's wrong"

"Mom has a new girlfriend and we hate her she so mean! And we don't want a new mom we want you" Gigi cried.

"Awww. I don't know how I can help you mom kinda hates me" she darkly joked.

"Please just talk to her she's changing everything around here she even took our Halloween pictures down"

"I don't think she wants to hear from me bumble bee"

"Please just try"

She looked at all of our wet red faces before deciding.

"Alright but I'll need you all's help. I can't leave a mirror"

"But you been out before like at the carnival"

"Oh..that wasn't me but I should definitely warn you while we're on the topic. So you know how everyone has shadows?"


"Well when you're dead your soul is still pure but your shadow on the other hand isn't. It's like your demon. It roams the earth freely and can shape shift to bother whoever it wants"

"So that wasn't you"

"No I would never eat you rainy"

"When we want to talk to you do we have to come to this mirror? What if we're out"

"No no get a one of those small mirrors you can hold but any mirror works"

"Alright" I should have some of my makeup mirrors.

"So what do you guys want me to say to her"

"I don't know but I'm sure once she sees you everything will be fixed"

"Not exactly but um did you guys make a wish already"

"Yea I wished you would come back"

"Well that's a little indirect papa but did both of you wish or one of you"

"Only me"

"Perfect! Rainbow, light the candles again and Gigi wish me out of the mirror"

"Alright. I'll get my small mirror too"

"No need there's a big one in the dining room"

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