Chp 21

96 9 12

You're the only image in my mind. So I still see you..around.

Blue POV

Me and my siblings are still on a mission! Wait, let me catch you all up. So as you know my mom has been recently getting back into dating. She met Case in May and it is now June. A long painful month of them 'dating' now don't get me wrong at first we were going to give her a chance but the more and more they talked the less time my mom spent with us.


"Mom! A new season of baddies just came out we can binge watch it tonight I'll make the coo-"

"Cant I'm going to Zen house tonight"

"Mom inside 2 just came out!"

"Can we go"

"Awe..I already watched it with Zen"

"Hey mom can we have a cookout"

"Oh sure! I'll invite Zen"

"Mom my friend and her mom are having a bowling party can we go"

"Sorry baby girl I got plans with zen"

Flashbacks over

Zen! Zen! Zen! ZEN! IM SICK OF IT! Every other word coming out of her mouth is Zen! Like ughhhh. And they're always on the phone. I can't even talk to her with her saying 'by the way Zen is on the phone, you don't mind right?' No not at all mother, I wanted Zen to hear about abnormal period.

Then she invited her to the 4th of July FAMILY trip. We pranked her and got our a** turned RED! Got all of our devices taken and couldn't see the sunlight for two weeks!! And that fake break up didn't last a day! They got back together and now she's bringing this girl over for dinner every single night. I can't take it anymore.

It's like we're prisoners! Not to mention our daily clean up, mom doesn't even help anymore. Now we clean the house top to bottom everyday just so Zen will feel comfortable. AND mama took down all of our family photos talking bout she moving on. Moving on my a**! Speaking of 'moving' Zen done d*mn near moved in.

So Beyonce wants us to treat her with respect and cater to her every need no matter how ridiculous it is so she won't feel unwelcome. Oh and don't let miss queen of New Zealand feel unpleased because Beyonce will put the whole house on lockdown. What is happening!! I'm a prisoner in my own home! And this is clearly just the beginning.

Which is why me and my siblings are on a mission. I don't know how but we need to bring nika back from the dead before we be in the grave too! So not only are we going on strike today when twins make their birthday wish they're going to wish for our old mom back. If all of our plans go wrong we'll just pack our stuff and go to the grave site to live with nika. I don't care!

"Twins you ready?!" My mom yelled from downstairs.


"Ok don't forget the wish" I said while fixing Amir's shirt.

"Do you really think it'll work"

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