As Dragon's Maw drew closer and closer, Alicent's mind had begun to run wild at the idea of her future home. She often hurt herself in those moments and had taken to keeping her hands as well covered as she could, but the heat from the summer sun often led to her hands boiling within their confinements, all the while her fathers words slithering into her head like a snake coiling itself in the grass to strike it's enemies.
Being led by a guard of fifty men, the royal party made it's way from the Kingswood to a great white bridge guarded by the silver armored guards with two feminine statues standing tall and intimidating. Trees with pink blossoms surround the bridge on both sides, their petals falling graciously along the white marble stone and the statues, landing along the stone walkway as well as the neatly maintained grass.
Alicent glances out from the carriage window onto the Bridge. As the drawbridge lowers, Alicent notes of the great steel portcullis behind it, patterns of dragons flying alongside the steel. Once the drawbridge is lowered, the iron gate rises and the progression continues onto the other side.
The entourage of carriages halted for a short stop, at the Queen's request and Alicent had climbed the tower and stood at the edge, overlooking the Kingswood, trying to distance herself from both Rhaenyra's and her father's prying eyes.
"I thought I would find you here." Alicent turns to see Aerys, mother, Daenerys stand nest to the staircase and curtsies lowly "Princess, I was just taking the air and was curious over the bridge."
Daenerys moves to stand next to Alicent and sighs "Yes, well this bridge and it's history is almost as old as the Iron throne. Would you like to learn the bridge's history?" Alicent knows that this is an opportunity that Daenerys would look back on should she refuse, as she had done when Aerys invited her to the Dragonpit to meet Vermithor for the first time.
"If you would be so kind, Princess." Alicent says nervously and the Targaryen woman smirks before sighing "It is said that a mercenary company made up from the remnants of ancient Valyrian houses who lost against the Ghiscari and the Rhoynar empires and sailed from the wastelands of Essos to Westeros and landed here, and with them a large dragon who could turn the day to night with it's wingspan and it's roar is said to have been heard from the Front fangs beyond the wall."
"Why did they not use the dragon to claim Westeros, like King Aegon did?" Alicent asks, confusion etched onto her soft features. Daenerys sneers and shrugs her shoulders slightly "The accounts differ. Some say that they did and built Dragonstone with their dragon's fire. Others say that they slayed the dragon for it's blood and committed dark rituals to destroy their enemies. That's the one that most believe since the destruction of Valyria occurred soon after."
"But the Dragon that they revered died for their revenge. Only for them to bow to the Targaryens soon after?" Alicent remarks sadly making the Targaryen princess shake her head slowly before grinning madly "Oh they didn't bow. It's said that they placed the skull on the border of their land to cross the deep river, and when my ancestor King Aegon invaded, he marched on the land, through the Dragon's Jaw and fought the Mercenary leader in single combat and took their leader's blade as another memento of Targaryen history."
"But what happened to the Dragon skull." Alicent asks and Daenerys raises her hands and looks around "We are standing on it." Alicent's eyes go wide and the older woman's smile turns into a smirk "King Aegon had the skull crushed into powder using it to give the bridge it's white coloring. Some say that there was enough powder left over to build the city from the ground and the statues alongside the bridge as well."

The White Dragon
FanfictionAerys Targaryen, firstborn son born to Princess Daenerys and Prince Aegon in the year 94 AC was snuffed from the chance to be king by politics and never forgot. Now Aerys must navigate through politics, war, love and legacy.