The White Dragon Chapter 15 : THE END OF A FALSE DRAGON
Aerys hadn't moved. He couldn't. He had simply walked back into Princess Elliana's tent and remained seated, his heart racing and his breath rapid as he recalls the painful admission of Gwayne's death from Elliana's own mouth.
He says nothing as the flap to the tent opens and Elliana enters with Ser Rymun and Aenys following suite. "Aerys...." He still says nothing and Rymun walks forward, taking a knee and looks the Targaryen in the eye "My Prince, what are we to do?"
Aerys pinches the bridge of his nose and says nothing and Ser Rymun stands and walks out from the tent, Elliana following quickly after and Aerys sighs as Aenys speaks "We've cleaned him up. The ship departed to Oldtown with his body. Letters have also been sent to Lady Alicent and the Lord Hand."
"Why do you remain Aenys? It is clear there are those who would have betrayed me. My dragon is gone, left me alone while I lay here, recovering from my wounds. My captains would sooner slit my throat in my sleep than wait for me to open my eyes." Aerys asks and Aenys responds tentatively "My Prince?" and Aerys sniffs and shakes his head "You may leave Aenys." The Frey boy hesitates before walking away, stopping momentarily to answer "Yes there might have been some who wanted to kill you, but there were also those who remained loyal to you. Ser Rymun rushed into your tent to save you from the flames and stood guard outside this tent while you rested and Princess Elliana remained at your side through the full night and day, and I know that Gwayne would sooner face your enemies alone than betray your trust."
Aenys then leaves and Aerys carefully stands from the bed, watching through an open slit that the sun fading as the moon slowly rises. He then glances towards the armor sitting on the rack, ash now infused into the armor, giving it a darker greyish coloring color, contrasted to the white it once was.
Gaemon trots his horse forward and holds his hand up, his army coming to a halt. He leans forward in his saddle and announces "You came to me as nothing more than common whores, selling your blades to the highest payer. Let it be known that as you march behind your King today, you are marching as part of the new Targaryen army."
The men roar and cheer loudly and Gaemon draws his blade looking closely at the steel, recalling his mother smiling softly as she gave him the blade. He then raises the sharp blade above his head and cries out "SHOW THESE INFEDELS NO MERCY!!! THIS ISLAND WILL BE THEIR TOMB!!!!" The men cheer even louder before continuing their march and Gaemon smiles and turns to captain Khari "Let them know that their death is soon to knock on their door. Play the drums."
"Yes my King." Captain Khari says, smiling widely before trotting back and orders "DRUMS!!!" The drums sound rhythmically with the soldiers marching and Gaemon smirks as the sun slowly begins to rise even further to allow the daylight to be an inspiration to the troops.
"We should meet the enemy head on. They will be cocky after their victories and that will make them stupid." Ser Wilbur says proudly as the drums continue to sound. "We should have sent for our fleet to return. Now we have no choice but to fight for our lives." Ser Eustace says, rubbing his still aching jaw, something that Elliana could see made Ser Rymun very happy.

The White Dragon
FanfictionAerys Targaryen, firstborn son born to Princess Daenerys and Prince Aegon in the year 94 AC was snuffed from the chance to be king by politics and never forgot. Now Aerys must navigate through politics, war, love and legacy.