The bells had been ringing since the sun peaked over the trees and the city had gathered in black garbs to mourn the loss of Visenya Targaryen and Baelor Targaryen. Guards line the streets ensuring no smallfolk came to close as the casket and the procession passed from the keep towards the funeral pyre that had been set up over the ridge. Drums thump in unison as guardsmen on horses trot in front of the royal family their spears carrying pennants of the silver three headed dragon.
Alicent has her left arm wrapped around Rhaella who cries into her shoulder while her right strokes Aerea's hand gently. Maekar sat in front of them with a blank look in his eyes as he watches the carts carrying Visenya and Baelor move forward while the smallfolk of the city toss flowers in front of the carts and horses.
Three shadows fly overhead and Alicent glances up to see Vermithor lead the charge followed by Silverwing and Truefyre flanking him on both sides. Vermithor lets out a roar like thunder breaking above the sky followed by Silverwing's and Truefyre's whose sounds are sweet and empathetic like a mother mourning her child.
The carriages come to a halt and Alicent walks out passing Lords Gabriel Rosier and Balin Ironfist both who bow in remorse and respect as she passes and Lady Iseult Selwyn takes her hands into her own and places a kiss on them before softly stating "I am so very sorry for your loss my lady. Know that if house Selwyn can do anything to satiate your loss we would be more than happy to do so."
Alicent manages a weak polite smile not reaching her eyes, although she doubts her smile ever will and nods "Thank you Lady Selwyn. Your words are very kind." The wind picks up as Vermithor, Silverwing and Truefyre land with their riders hopping down and walk towards the pyre with little emotion on their faces and their attire dark. Even Jaehaerys who liked to incorporate colors of red, green and blue into his outfits chose to wear black.
The silent sisters move quickly and respectfully, placing the bodies gently onto a pyre and Septon Kenneth the man who officiated Alicent and Aerys wedding and blessed their children under the light of the seven steps forward and places a silver medallion of the seven pointed star each point with a different colored gem onto Visenya's neck and says a silent prayer before stepping down and Aerys steps past Alicent and towards the awaiting pyre.
The wind howls as she watches her husband and while many would see him as an example of a man without emotion, Alicent catches the small actions. How his fists would clench and unclench like a pattern and how his body would sway in the wind for a moment before he turns to Vermithor who raises his head to look at his rider.
Aerys shuts his eyes for a moment before calmly ordering "Drakarys!" "Dragon fire!" Vermithor almost hesitates, glancing over to the pyre before glancing back to his rider once more for confirmation and Aerys nods his head stiffly. The bronze fury then turns his head back to the waiting pyre and opens his massive maw before releases a torrent of beaten copper colored flames onto the pyre making Alicent shut her eyes in acceptance no longer believing it to be a bad dream but rather her new reality.
Aerys then walks back towards Alicent and takes her hand into his before guiding her back to the carriages. Alicent spares one final glance at the pyre and shudders as she watches the flames eat up the cloth and bodies and in her mind declares 'Goodbye my darlings. I hope your life in the seven heavens is filled with love nd laughter.'

The White Dragon
FanfictionAerys Targaryen, firstborn son born to Princess Daenerys and Prince Aegon in the year 94 AC was snuffed from the chance to be king by politics and never forgot. Now Aerys must navigate through politics, war, love and legacy.