The White Dragon Chapter 25 : Driftmark
A fanfiction on HBO's House of the Dragon
"īlon iungo tubī rȳ se sedes hen embar naejot commit se riñnykeā Laena hen lentor Velaryon naejot se aeternus aquas, se dominion hen Merling dārys, skoriot ziry jāhor praesidium zȳhon syt ry tubissa naejot māzigon." "We join today at the Seat of the Sea to commit the Lady Laena of House Velaryon to the eternal waters, the dominion of the Merling King, where He will guard her for all days to come." Vaemond says softly as the sounds of the waves crash against the rocks.
"Hae ziry sets naejot embar syt zȳhon mōrī voyage, se riñnykeā Laena tēmbi lanta drēje-āzma daughters va se rāenion. Etsi pōja muñnykeā jāhor daor regressus hen zȳhon navigatio, pōnta jāhor ry umbagon ligatus hēnkirī isse ānogar." "As she sets to sea for her final voyage, the Lady Laena leaves two true-born daughters on the shore. Though their mother will not return from her voyage, they will all remain bound together in blood." Vaemond continues looking at Rhaenyra with a slight sneer before carrying on "Lopor fugit rȳ Velaryon ānogar. īlvon dakogon qumblie. īlvon dakogon drēje. Se īlvon līs dōrī vasrie. Issa gentle niece. Kostagon aōha jelmior sagon hae kostōba hae aōha arlī, aōha aequor sagon hae gīda hae aōha anima, se aōha nets sagon hae lēda hae aōha prūmia." "Salt courses through Velaryon blood. Ours runs thick. Ours runs true. And ours must never thin. My gentle niece. May your winds be as strong as your back, your seas be as calm as your spirit, and your nets be as full as your heart."
Alyssa glances to Rhaenyra who has her sons close to her, her eyes squinting slightly at Vaemond's jape before a chuckle falls from Daemon's mouth and Alyssa glares at the man, her mind racing in anger at the thought 'How dare he laugh at her funeral. Even if it is not out of spite, he defends Rhaenyra's stupidity and lustful actions at Laena's funeral!'
Alyssa turns back to see Laena's stone coffin which was to be marbled as to Laena's likeness like the tall marble statues of Queens Rhaenys and Visenya, guarding the Queen's Bridge, but it will never look as it should. Laena's face was one of life and her body warm, but all Alyssa sees when she sees the casket is a cold and lifeless copy, a failed memento of Laena.
The Casket is slowly lowered into the depths of the crashing waves and Alyssa wipes her eyes free of the tears. Alyssa does not move as she feels her brother's presence "I am sorry for your loss Alyssa. I know you and Laena shared a deep bond. Deeper than the historians will ever recognize."
"I am sorry for your loss as well. I know Lord Lyonel was a dear friend to you." Alyssa says recalling hearing the news of Lord Lyonel and Ser Harwin's unfortunate fate with a fire in Harrenhal. A silence falls over the pair before Alyssa's voice shakes "She trusted me to guide her to the beach that night. Not her husband or the army of healers and midwives around her, but me. She asked me to do something that aches my heart and soul and will haunt me for the remainder of my days." She then looks up into her brother's eyes, feeling like a small girl asking why their father spent more days in brothels than the keep "Why would she do that?"
Her brother takes a moment before speaking softly "Ziry jorrāelatan ao Alyssa. Ziry pāstan ao kesrio syt ao subnixus tolvie iudicatum ziry vēttan. Gīda lo ao contemtus se odio zirȳ, ao subnixus zȳhon. Ao participatur zȳhon mōrī tempus rūsīr zȳhon, gīda lo pōnta istan isse mundari, ziry iderēptan ao naejot participatur zirȳ rūsīr." "She loved you Alyssa. She trusted you because you supported every decision she made. Even if you despised and hated them, you supported her. You shared her final moments with her, even if they were in sadness, she chose you to spend them with."

The White Dragon
FanfictionAerys Targaryen, firstborn son born to Princess Daenerys and Prince Aegon in the year 94 AC was snuffed from the chance to be king by politics and never forgot. Now Aerys must navigate through politics, war, love and legacy.