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The water gardens had always brought Elliana some level of comfort alongside with anguish. It was in the Water Gardens where she was sent during the time of her mother's labors, but also where she received word of her mother's death and the death of her would be brother.

It was in the Water Gardens where Elliana was taught her lessons of the common folk from her father Prince Quentyn Martell, and it was there that she found her father dead from a heart attack, and It was in the water gardens where she trained with her husband Harman Uller, and it was there he died from an assassin sent by the pirate filth in Essos.

And it is here now where Elliana watches her two year old son Dorian Martell play in the waters with boys and girls, bastards and trueborn, naked as the day they were born, under the Dornish sun. A part of her regrets sending a missive to Prince Aerys, but when she received a positive response from the silver haired prince she knew that she had made the correct decision.

The Lords of Dorne had been none to thrilled when it came to her decision and none had been louder than Lady Gwyneth Yronwood, who had long been against Elliana, due to Harman choosing the Dornish Princess over the Wardeness of the Boneway.

The giggling of the children and the splashing of the water is what brings Elliana back from her thoughts as she watches her son play with a little girl caked in mud but a smile always visible and a tear catches in the corner of her eye. Growing up, Elliana wanted to be just like her ancestor Meria Martell, who even at the age of eighty and blind, still refused the Targaryen's conquest and repelled their advances, but now she wants be be like her father, who considered even the smallest drop of Dornish blood sacred and needed to be protected.

An ear-shattering roar sounds from the clouds above and the screams of children remind Elliana of the unusual alliance she craved for. As the great old Bronze dragon Vermithor once ridden by the conciliator, who burned a Dornish host, descends from the clouds and lands within the walls of the Water gardens, soldiers rush towards their princess who stands valiantly in front of the children, some who cry out in fear and some like her own son who watch the dragon with unease and awe all at once.

Elliana watches with trepidation as an armored figure dismounts the giant reptilian beast, sliding down the dragon's wing and takes a moment to pat the dragon on the snout making the dragon make a sound, almost like a cat purring, while he says a few words in some foreign language that in her opinion should be saved for poetry, but none the less, watching the dragon respond warmly to the language only enhances the Targaryen prince's beauty. 

And he is beautiful. All the stories that Elliana had been told by her father of the Targaryen warriors who wore dark black armor and blood red capes and mated with dragons do no justice to the warrior in the silver dragon scaled armor with his long silver flowing hair tied back into a braid looking more like a painting of a god than anything else.

She feels no shame in admitting that seeing this beautiful foreign man brought out something in her that she hadn't felt in a long time. Her former husband had been a shorter man, and by no means was a great warrior, but he did know how to show his affection. Stolen kisses under the moonlight, love notes placed delicately in her solar, and flower petals scattered aimlessly around her room while they made love on her table, bed, chair, anywhere really.

The Targaryen Prince then walked with slow strides towards the Dornish princess, his face never betraying any weariness that he might have while dealing with the Martells. Elliana raises her hand, archers drawing their bows and the Targaryen halts in his steps. Elliana however could not give the order, with the sounds of a deep warning growl from the Bronze scaled dragon behind the prince.

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